Oral ulcer treatment

Oral ulcers, commonly known in the public as "mouth lit" or "mouth sores", is a periodic recurrent hair as a feature of the limitations of oral mucosal ulcer injury, can be self-healing, can occur in any part of the oral mucosa. It is often easy to relapse and difficult to treat. Here are some of the more common recipes. I hope to help the majority of oral ulcers.

Honey syrup

10% honey juice can be used to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and promote cell regeneration.

2. Honey

Wash your mouth clean, then apply honey to the ulcer surface with a sterile swab, and do not eat it after rubbing it. About 15 minutes, you can swallow together with honey and saliva, and then continue to rub, a day can be repeated rubbed several times. Even two days of basic treatment can be cured.

3. Fungus

Take white fungus, black fungus, hawthorn each 10 grams, decoction, soup to eat fungus, 1-2 times a day, can cure mouth ulcers.

4. End of black fungus

Take the amount of black fungus, research and use. Daily use warm water or warm saline to clean the mouth, gargle in the morning and after meals to prevent food residue, keep the mouth clean, clean the ulcer surface with a cotton swab, and then apply black fungus powder on the ulcer surface to cover the ulcer The surface is suitable, more than 3 times a day. At the same time eat more fungus in the diet, the general treatment 5-9 days can be more. Applicable to repeated episodes of recurrent oral ulcers, prolonged healing.

5. Green bean porridge

Composition: 100 grams of mung bean, 150 grams of glutinous rice, 15 grams of sugar. Mung beans and glutinous rice are washed with water. In the wok, add appropriate amount of water. Slowly cook the porridge with a small fire. Add sugar to the porridge and serve as a daily breakfast. Role: and the spleen and stomach, intrauterine heat; applies to the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, weak digestion, regular ulcers, repeated unhealing.

6. Green bean sprouts

Chinese medicine believes that green bean sprouts are cool and sweet and can not only clear away heat and heat, pass through meridians and relieve various poisons, but also tonicify kidney, diuresis, reduce swelling, nourish yin and yang, regulate five internal organs and beautiful skin, and provide dampness and heat. Eat less body tired, fever, polydipsia, constipation, adverse urination, red eyes and throat, mouth and nose sores, but also lower blood fat and soften blood vessels. It has a good therapeutic effect on patients with oral ulcers.

7. Chinese cabbage root

Take 60 grams of Chinese cabbage root, 15 grams of garlic, jujube 10, Shuijianbi, 12 times a day, can cure mouth ulcers.

8. Rapeseed

Take 30 grams of white radish seeds, 30 grams of mustard seeds, 15 grams of light blue, put together mash, affixed to Zuxin, 1 day, can cure oral ulcers.

9. Onions fried cabbage

Four pieces of Chinese cabbage, cut into pieces or silk. Use chopped green onion, pour the cabbage, add the appropriate amount of vinegar and sugar, salt, and then add the chicken essence after the fire is turned off. Every day for two to three days in a plate, mouth ulcers will disappear. (The amount of cabbage must be enough. If you just eat a few, it will not work.)

10. Apple

Take an apple (pear can also be) into a container and put it into a container. Add cold water (an apple or a pear that has not yet been cooked) and heat it until it is boiled. After it cools, mix it with the wine and eat it in the mouth for a while. It can be cured in days.

11. Walnut shell

30-50 grams of walnuts are rinsed with water twice and taken once daily in the morning and in the evening.

12. Ginger water tea mouthwash

Oral ulcers are rinsed with hot ginger water for 2 to 3 times a day. Generally, 6-9 times of ulcers can converge.

13. Fresh Ginger Fresh ginger is cut into pieces and applied to the wound. The wound can be quickly relieved, and when it is in good condition, it can be quickly.

14. Raw lotus soup

9 grams of raw land, 6 grams of lotus seeds, 6 grams of licorice. Method: The three add water, together with boiling, to slag juice. Efficacy: Yin heat. Usage: 1 day, once every few days.

15. Lotus licorice tea

15 grams of lotus seeds, 2 grams of licorice, 5 grams of green tea leaves. Method: Place the contents together in a cup and pour in boiling water. Efficacy: Qingxin heat. Usage: on behalf of the frequency of drinking tea.

16. Tremella lotus seeds

Tremella 25 grams, 50 grams of lotus seeds. Usage: Wash the white fungus and lotus seeds with water, and add it to a pan. Add boiling water until the white fungus becomes rotten. Add sugar or white granulate to dissolve. Sooner or later, eat a small bowl. Role: Heat and nourishing yin; suitable for yin deficiency and anger, mouth ulcers or mouth sores.

17. Fresh radish juice

Composition: Raw radish 250 grams, fresh lotus root 500 grams. Usage: Wash the radish and ravioli with water, smash and mash it in the clean utensils, wring the juice with double layers of sterile gauze, take appropriate amount in the mouth several times a day, swallow it for a moment. Role: Yin and heat; apply to Huo-wang, oral ulcers.

18. White radish juice

White radish (preferably sweet and sweet) about 500 grams, chopped Jiao Zhi, add sugar, amount of seasoning, after swallowing the mouth slowly swallowed. White radish is good for stomach digestion, heat and fluid. Suitable for oral ulcers and stomach cramps, anorexia suffocation.

19. Radish and honey juice

Modern research has also found that white radish sprouts can be antibacterial and accelerate wound healing. The white radish wolfberry was used as the main ingredient with Ganrun honey to compose the prescription of “radish and quail honey juice”, which is in line with the therapeutic principles of dietary oral ulcers, and it is symptomatic of eating food. It has obvious effects on the initial or mild oral ulcers. Use white radish to pound 1 kg, add it to casserole and submerge it, and boil it. When the temperature is not hot, add a spoonful of honey to reconcile when the tea drinks.

As soon as the ulcers begin to drink, the ulcers will be controlled, no longer spread, and will heal in a day or two. If the ulcer is a few days and the wound is large and deep, besides sticking to the radish and radish honey juice, the patient can also use the radish pod honey paste directly. Method: Wash the white radish into a paste, add honey to reconcile into a paste, directly applied to the oral ulcer. This method can both relieve pain and speed up healing.

20. Persimmon

Take persimmon cream from the dried persimmon and take it with boiled water or porridge.

21. Tomatoes

The mouth of tomato juice contains several minutes each time and many times a day.

22. Eggs

Put the eggs into a bowl and mix them into a paste. The green beans are soaked in cold water in a pot for more than ten minutes and boiled on fire for about 1.5 minutes (not long enough to boil). At this time, the green beans are unripe, and the green beans are used to wash the plumeria. The morning and evening are daily. Each time, the effect of treating oral ulcers is good.

23. Whole milk powder

Use whole milk powder, 2 to 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time, add a little sugar, boiled water, and have better results before the evening rest. The symptoms of ulcers usually disappear within 2 days.

24. Raw green plum drink

15 grams of habitat, 10 grams of Dendrobium, 2 grams of licorice, 30 grams of green plum. System of law: the habitat, Shi Wei, licorice, green plum water amount, cook for 20 minutes, to slag juice. Efficacy: Nourishing Yin, clearing heat, reducing fire and sores. Usage: 1 day, 2 to 3 times Beverage Service, can be used for several days.

25. Lily licorice tea

Lotus seeds 3 grams, 9 grams of medlar, 6 grams of licorice. Method: Add the above ingredients into boiling water. Efficacy: pure heart purging fire. Usage: 1 dose per day, on behalf of the frequency of drinking tea, can be used in conjunction with 3 doses.

26. Earthworm bamboo leaves drink

15 grams of habitat, 9 grams of Astragalus, 15 grams of light bamboo, sugar amount. Method: The first three flavors add water to decoction and transfer sugar. Efficacy: pure heart purging fire. Usage: Daily 1 dose, 2 times drinking, or frequency of drinking tea.

27. Strong tea

China's Ming Dynasty Pharmacopoeia "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Tea is bitter and cold, the best way to reduce the fire ... ... fire is the upper hand," According to research, tea contains tannins, with astringent effect, strong tea mouthwash can promote oral ulcer healing .

28. Candied cook

There are 20 oysters and the amount of crystal sugar. Wash and peel the cockroach, peel it into a clean enamel pot, grind it, add sugar and water, and cook. Reference before bed can cure mouth ulcers.

29. Kelp Seaweed

蚝豉 250 grams, 150 grams of kelp, seaweed, 10 grams of dried tangerine peel, 3 dates, and 50 grams of horseshoe powder. Production: 1 Wash and chop the clams, dip kelp, seaweed, tangerine peel, white tangerine peel; red jujube to the core wash; dissolve the horseshoe powder with water for later use. 2 Put various materials except horseshoe powder into the boiling water bowl, boil over the fire, change to slow heat for 2 hours, stir in the horseshoe powder, and roll the seasoning. Efficacy: Heat and phlegm, firmness and disintegration. Zinc content in the material used to cure mouth ulcers.

30. Sugar

For a long period of "mouth sores", there are a few pieces of rock sugar in the mouth, which has a certain effect on "mouth sores".

31. pepper oil

The use of fragrant fried pepper oil applied to the affected area can cure "mouth sores".

32. White onion

Cut a thin layer of skin with a knife from the light blue, and put one side of the juice on the inside, and stick it to the affected area. It will be 2 or 3 times a day, and it will be better after three or four days.

33. Eating chestnuts

Eat chestnuts more often, healthier, can cure mouth ulcers.

34. Ume rehmannia mung bean cake

Formula: 50 grams of ebony, 30 grams of raw land, 500 grams of green beans, 250 grams of bean paste. Method: Soak the ebony with boiling water for 3 minutes, remove and cut into small pieces or pieces. Sliced ​​raw habitat, mix well with ebony. After the green beans are boiled with boiling water, wipe the skin in the pan and rinse with fresh water. Place the mung bean in the pot, add the water steamer on the steamer for 3 hours, remove it after crispy, remove the water, and rub it on the sieve to make green bean paste. Put a special wooden frame on the chopping board, lined with a piece of white paper, put half of the green bean paste first, spread it evenly, and withdraw it on the ebony and raw land, put a layer of bean paste in the middle, and spread the rest of the mung bean sand, and make it strong. Finally sprinkle sugar on the surface. Cut the cake into small squares. Efficacy: Ziyin heat, detoxification sore. Usage: For snacks.

35. Health ground plum drink

Recipe: 15 grams of raw land, 10 grams of Dendrobium, 2 grams of licorice, 30 grams of green plum. Method: Place raw water, sargentia, licorice, and green tea in appropriate amounts, cook for 20 minutes, and remove slag. Efficacy: Nourishing Yin, clearing heat, reducing fire and sores. Usage: One dose per day, 2-3 doses of Beverage, can be used for several days.

36. Lotus root heart soup

Formula: 9 grams of raw land, 6 grams of lotus seeds, 6 grams of licorice. Method: The three add water, together with boiling, to slag juice. Efficacy: Yin heat. Usage: Take 1 tablet daily for several days.

37. Lotus licorice tea

Formula: 15 grams of lotus seeds, 2 grams of licorice, 5 grams of green tea leaves. Method: Place the contents in a cup and pour in boiling water. Efficacy: Qingxin heat. Usage: On behalf of the tea frequency of drinking.

38. Bamboo leaf grass mung bean porridge

Formula: 10 grams of light bamboo, Tongcao grams, 1.5 grams of licorice, 30 grams of green beans, 150 grams of rice. Method: Light bamboo, grass, licorice chopped into a gauze bag, and add mung bean, glutinous rice and add water for 30 minutes to simmer and make porridge effect: heat and purging fire, detoxification and sore. Usage: Eat sooner or later.

39. Galla biloba sugar to take Galla 36 grams, 24 grams of dry buckwheat, sugar 2 grams, first fry yellow gall, add sugar, fry for a moment, until the sugar is melted to the degree, pour out to dry, and then with the dry wolfberry At the end, use sesame oil to transfer the powder to a thin paste and apply it to the affected part of the oral cavity, 2-3 times a day, and it will take effect within a few days.

40. Three flowers

Sanhuayin that is white chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, white lentils can be heat and dampness; apply to litchi excessive lit, sore throat, mouth ulcers.

41. Xuan Sen Lin Zao Yin

Scrophulariaceae, lotus seeds, candied dates can be used to reduce the fire; apply to overheated heart, mouth ulcers, dry mouth, red tongue, thirst for cold water, often insomnia.

42. Corn drink

Carrots, fresh chive roots, corn stalks, white lentils, and cloud pods can be used for heat and dampness; suitable for people who get angry, get damp, get thirsty, and have oral ulcers.

43 Dandelion mung bean porridge

Mung bean or a piece of porridge with dandelion can be eaten with the spleen and stomach, intra-fever heat; applicable to people with disharmony between spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, weak digestion, and frequent oral ulcers.

44. Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice can prevent and prevent oral ulcers. Simply pick fresh cucumbers with sugar, or add cold water directly to juice in the juicer. When drinking cucumber juice, if you feel that the taste of the diluted cucumber juice is bitter, you can add some honey to taste.

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