People over 60 afraid of long-term sedentary long-li

People over the age of 60, especially pay attention to health, to avoid injury to the five workers. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine considers that "the liver resuscitates the head", the main blood of the liver, and the meridians link with the eyes. The vision of a person depends on the nourishment of the liver blood. Therefore, excessive use of the eyes will hurt the blood of the liver. For example, looking at a computer every day, it will cause liver damage. Long lying injury means that staying in bed for a long time will lead to mental dizzyness, malaise, poor air compressor operation, lack of cohesion, and long term air dispersal. Sedentary wounds, Chinese medicine believes that the main spleen meat, long-term sitting motionless, spleen and stomach transport function is reduced, Migu fine can not nutrition limbs, in addition to the body oppressed muscles and limbs located in the heart, the muscle tissue of the blood circulation is not Smoothly affects the metabolic activity of muscles and other tissues, leading to muscle relaxation and acceleration of muscle decay and atrophy. For a long period of time, if you stand still, you will injure your waist and legs. A long line of ribs means that people walking for a long time will damage the muscles. Because people's walking mainly depends on the muscles pulling on the bones. If walking for a long time, the ligaments, tendons, fascia, and other soft tissues around the joints of the lower limbs must be injured or strained due to fatigue.

The elderly health care should be moderate, depending on whether they are lying, sitting, walking or standing. When reading a newspaper, reading for more than an hour, he got up to exercise, see or do eye exercises. The siesta time should not exceed 1 hour. After getting up, go outdoors and do the right amount of activity. People over the age of 60, most retired at home, in order to avoid sedentary, the elderly can raise some flowers and birds at home. Walking is a great way to keep fit, but it should not be too long.

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