Whitening fruits in winter

In winter, the type of fruit begins to become less, and the beauty-loving MM is at a loss? Concerned that your skin will become dry? Transfiguration of white beauty, through eating fruit can be achieved effectively!



Whitening and moisturizing. Strawberry is rich in nutrients, rich in a variety of active ingredients, vitamin C 60 mg per 100 grams of fresh fruit, higher than apples, grapes. In addition, strawberries are also rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, PP and calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, chromium and other essential minerals and some trace elements, in addition to its help digestion function is also slimming share.

Winter date:

Not only fresh and delicious, crispy skin, tender meat, juice and more slag, sweet fragrance, but also very rich in nutrients, fresh jujube sugar 20% to 36%; contains 19 kinds of aspartic acid, threonine, serine, etc. The most important feature of the amino acid and jujube is that the vitamin C content is extremely high. The vitamin C content per 100 grams of flesh is as high as 380 to 600 mg (vitamin C supplement can provide vitamin C is generally 60 mg), which is 70 times that of apple, citrus At 16 times, the Hawthorn, which was previously considered to be rich in vitamin C, also fell under the wind.


Whitening anti-aging. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, citric acid, malic acid, etc. It is very beneficial to the human body. Citric acid has the effect of preventing melanin precipitation and eliminating pigmentation.


Whitening, preventing dark spots. Kiwifruit is rich in vitamins C, A, and E. It also contains nutrients that are less common in other fruits - folic acid, carotene, calcium, lutein, amino acids, and natural inositol. Its rich vitamin C, can whiten skin color, the most valuable is that it also contains other rare fruits in magnesium, is the most appropriate weight loss fruit.


Whitening, antioxidant. In addition to being rich in VC, compared with other fruits and vegetables, the combination of tincture contained in apple and VC makes the anti-oxidation effect of whitening enhanced.



Whitening and moisturizing. Pineapple is rich in vitamin B, can effectively nourish the skin, prevent dryness, make the skin bright, but also can eliminate the tight feeling of the skin.


Whitening replenishment, anti-aging. Grape contains vitamin C and grape seed polyphenols, can effectively fight free radicals, prevent pigmentation to prevent the generation of stains, enhance the skin's resistance, and its antioxidant effect is 10,000 times higher than vitamin C and E. Efficient anti-wrinkle and delay skin aging effects.


Whitening and moisturizing, eliminating dark spots. Cherry is a skin care top grade, which contains protein, sugar, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin C, etc. are higher than apples, pears, especially rich in iron, can promote hemoglobin regeneration in the body, can make the skin ruddy white, eliminate dark spots.


Whitening sunscreen. Tomato is the best sunscreen food. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidant lycopene and daily intake of 16 mg lycopene reduces sunburn risk by 40%. Cooked tomatoes are more effective than raw ones, as heating promotes the efficacy of lycopene.


Seabuckthorn may not be the fruit we are familiar with, but it has a reputation as the "King of Vitamin C." About 100 grams of sea buckthorn contain up to 825 to 1,100 milligrams of vitamin C, and the content is very large, even exceeding it. We are familiar with kiwifruit, seabuckthorn vitamin C content can be kiwifruit 2 to 3 times. In addition to high levels of vitamin C, sea buckthorn contains other vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, linoleic acid, sea buckthorn flavonoids, superoxide and other active substances, as well as various amino acid components. If there is a large amount of nutrients, sea buckthorn can be considered as Whitening skin care fruit in the best, what fruit can be whitening? Try Seabuckthorn it.



Whitening, go blackheads. Mango not only has the effect of whitening the skin, but also has its own heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. It can also remove the blackheads that Ms. Aimei is bothered by. The appearance of blackheads is caused by endocrine disorders, while the efficacy of mango heat can regulate endocrine secretion.

Aloe Vera:

In Japan, the application of Aloe Beauty is almost household name. In the European and American cosmetics market, 80% of products contain natural aloe extract. Women in Yunnan, Fujian and other places in China have used the traditional folklore of aloe vera since ancient times.

Aloe vera is indeed a plant with many health and beauty functions. It has the functions of regeneration and protection of human cell tissue, anti-ulcer, and enhancement of visceral function, and regulates the normalization of living organisms. Aloe contains grape acid, sweet sugar, a small amount of calcium and protein, vitamins and minerals. With nutrition moisturizing, sunscreen, clean, shrink pores, fade spots and other cosmetic effects. Simple aloe bath can also eliminate tension and fatigue.


Anti-cancer, a medium-sized orange can provide the vitamin C needed for a day, and improve the body's ability to resist bacteria. Oranges remove free radicals harmful to health and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.


Apple is the fruit we are most familiar with. It is rich in nutrients and is often used by people in beauty and skin care. It is a pure natural beauty skin care fruit. Apple contains a lot of moisture and moisturizing factors, can make the skin lasting moist and dry. In addition, vitamin C in apple can effectively inhibit the formation of melanin, so regular consumption of apples can achieve whitening and freckle. The rich fruit acids in apples can remove the dirt in the pores, shrink the pores, make the skin more delicate, and also have the effect of acne.

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