Cold food diet taboo

There is no taboo. The so-called taboo, is specifically referring to the patient's diet taboo.
We all know that food and drugs, like the biased nature, such as Jiangmi sweet warm, texture sticky, spicy and hot liquor and so on. Therefore, there are problems with dietary taboos, including the way of eating, the quantity of food quality, the interaction between diet, the relationship between diet and physical or illness, and the inappropriate diet and medicine. Dietary taboos in patients' illnesses focus on the relationship between diet and disease, and diet and drug incompatibility. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing, a well-known physician, pointed out in his "Golden Chamber" that "the taste of food is appropriate to the disease, and it is harmful to the body. If it is beneficial, it will be beneficial to the body and harm will be a disease." The Huangdi Neijing also pointed out: "Poison drugs attack the evil, the grain is raised, the five fruits are the help, the five animals are the benefits, the five dishes are the filling, and the odor is combined and served to replenish the essence." It can be seen that the motherland medicine has long recognized the diet. Problems related to diseases, diets and drugs are appropriate and inappropriate, and must be given sufficient attention.

What are the taboos for the cold?

Let's talk about diet in moderation. After a cold, there is often a loss of appetite and it is even more prominent when there is fever. Modern medicine believes that various digestive enzymes are destroyed or their activity is low during fever, causing patients not to eat. If you just eat more often, there will often appear indigestion and other symptoms of indigestion, will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal, is not conducive to the body's concentration of forces against evils, may delay the recovery of the cold, or even worse. Therefore, it is better for cold patients to eat less. How to control the degree of deprivation should be based on the premise of ensuring the whole body energy supply. This has a diet quality problem. Patients with colds advocate eating more light and easily digestible foods such as rice porridge and noodles, and avoid eating fried and greasy foods. Some people even proposed "fasting therapy," which means stopping eating after a cold and drinking only soup can sometimes lead to unexpected results. Of course, this method is not suitable for everybody. For patients who are usually physically strong and have a cold, they can try it. Please do not forget that you must have sufficient reserves of energy, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Finally, we will focus on what foods should be banned from the cold. On the one hand, it is related to taking medicines, which means that after drugs, it is a taboo. On the other hand, we must pay attention to the relationship with the disease. In the early days of a cold, if you feel the evil of the cold, when you take a cold medicine, you will be cold and greasy. If it is a warm evil, it is in the early stage of clearing and you should not eat raw cold. Do not go, leave hot, then thirsty, irritability, constipation, at this time anti-need to help fruit, can serve pear juice, orange juice, watermelon, stem rice soup, bean soup, etc., should not eat too cold, greasy goods .

The above are mainly questions of principle. Specifically, during colds, avoid eating or avoiding eating more meat such as duck meat, pork, lamb, dog meat, soft-shelled turtle, alfalfa, vinegar, and persimmon. Because the cold is an exogenous disease, treatment should be based on evacuation. The duck's nature is cool, it is greedy and stagnant, and it is easy to get rid of stomach and intestinal evils. The pork is fatty, it helps the wet oysters, and the moving wind contains moisture. The mutton is warm and warm, and it is warm and warm, and there is a combination of evil and evil. Disadvantages; dog meat is also warm, easy to help heat the fire, so the bogey heat is bogey; turtle soft and tired, there is the evil of convergence; pimple, also known as river rafting, the nature of cold vent, the power of nourishing yin, multi-food Obstructed evacuation of the table; vinegar, sour convergence, easy to stagnate gas after eating to eat wolfberry; persimmon nature is cold and astringent stagnation, more food is easy to converge evil. Therefore, the above food is a cold taboo. Eating or eating more often is not conducive to the evacuation of exogenous evils. Sometimes it can even aggravate the condition and require attention.

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