Ukrainian planting technology

The adoption of Daejeon's cutting of Wuxu seedlings can promote the early years of flowering and maintain the fine characteristics of the mother tree, and it is a good breeding method for the development of black peony. Now introduce its technical points Cutting time can be carried out throughout the year in the south. Production is mostly carried out in the spring and summer, so that the growth period of the seedlings is longer, the seedling height can reach 80 to 100 cm, and the ground diameter can reach 0.7 cm or more.
A robust plant with rich cutting results, large grain size, thick waxy, and no pests and diseases was selected as the cutting mother tree. In the early spring before the mother tree sprouts, cut strong branches that grow on the mother tree as cuttings.
The cutting roots will cut the retrieved cuttings into 20 cm long cuttings, and then group them into small ones according to the size of the diameters. Straws the wet cuttings vertically to burial the cuttings vertically in a pottery tank or in a room without ventilation and direct sunlight. Spray water, keep the humidity of the sand in hand and hold no water for a degree. Within 2 months, if the cutting base minister has an adventitious root, it can be removed for field cutting.
The preparation of the cutting bed is to select a farmland with deep soil, fertile soil, loose texture, convenient drainage and irrigation, and rice planting. After the late rice is harvested, the ditch is drained, the field hygiene is improved, and deep plowing is carried out; 60,000 kilograms of manure, 750 kilograms of superphosphate are used as base fertilizer, and 40 grams of carbofuran is used to control underground pests. Made of deep ditch high bed, bed height 25 cm, bed width 120 cm, channel width 40 cm; require soil finely crushed, flat bed, smooth channel.
The cutting operation adopts a trenching cutting method. The ditch is 20 centimeters long and the cuttings are 8 centimeters apart. The cuttings are discharged from one side of the ditch. The top of the cutting bar shows about 5 centimeters of the soil surface. Immediately after the cuttings, cover soil, compact the soil, and pour clear water. About 10 days can shoot long leaves.
Within one month after inserting the management, we should always spray water to keep the plugging bed moist; after the rain we must remove the water, and when it is dry, we should fill it with water; after the buds are sprayed out, we must use the spray water to apply 0.2% urea and 0.2% of the urea until late May. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% boric acid solution, applied once every 7 days, alternately; cultivating and weeding in June, July and August, applying 60,000 kg of excrement per hectare, applying calcium phosphate per hectare in September 1500 kg. Afterwards, fertilizer spraying should be stopped to increase the degree of lignification of the seedlings.