Grain goose feed goose technology

The three characteristics of drought-resistant, high-yield, and high-quality cornmeal are suitable for growing in the northeast, southwest, central China, and northern China. 667 square meters (1 mu) can produce 10,000-1.5 million kilograms of stems and leaves each year, and the average protein content of stems and leaves can reach 18%-20% (including 24%-34% of the leaves). Pigs, cattle, rabbits and fish are all raised. suitable. There are many areas where geese have achieved significant benefits. Every 667 square meters of grain can raise 80-120 geese, but pay attention to the following key technologies:
(1) Different ages of geese feeding different amounts of green feed. The proportion of 1-3 weeks old green feed in compound feed gradually increased from 40% to 80%; 10-13 weeks was the fattening period, and the proportion of green material gradually decreased from 80% to 40%.
(2) Bean cake in the feed must be indispensable. Soybean cakes account for 20%, a low proportion of which is detrimental to the growth of geese.
(3) The main grain seedlings are better for feeding with bitter leeks and leeches. Grain pods mainly increase the protein nutrition of goose, bitter leeks have the effect of inhibiting diseases, and leeches can increase the palatability of feed. The three types of green fodder were chopped and mixed with soybean meal, corn flour, tanned skin, vitamins, and a small amount of salt.
(4) Goslings are fed 7-8 times a day and big geese are fed 4 to 5 times. Should not be grazing, otherwise hurt the seedlings, and the circle feeding is faster than the grazing geese.
(5) In order to make full goose down, high quality, feeding period must reach 4 months before slaughter.