Grapes in the early fall can detoxify and eliminate internal heat

Nowadays, it is the season when grapes are mass-marketed. As one of the world’s four largest fruits (apples, grapes, citrus and bananas), grapes are rich in nutrients, sweet and sour, and they can also help the body detoxify and relieve internal heat during early autumn.

Professor Yang Li, a TCM health expert and Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said that Chinese medicine believes that grapes can boost Qi and blood, thirst, and spleen diuresis. After a hot and humid summer, the body has accumulated a large amount of toxins in the body, and the body is very hot and heavy. The grapes have good urine-saving effects. In the early fall season, they can eat more to help the body excrete toxins. Eliminating internal heat.

Red, white, purple, and black, the colors of grapes on the market are different. Professor Yang Li said that in addition to the common nutrition of grapes, different colors of grapes have a nutritional bias.

Red grapes contain reverse enzymes, which can soften blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and prevent thrombosis. Cardiovascular patients may wish to eat more. The reverse enzymes are most abundant in the red grape skin and are best eaten with the skin. White grapes have the effect of replenishing lung and lungs, making them suitable for coughing and people suffering from respiratory diseases. Green grapes tend to focus on detoxification. Purple grapes are rich in anthocyanins and can be anti-aging beauty. Black grapes are more effective in nourishing yin, kidney, and black hair.

"Eat grapes do not spit grape skins." From a nutritional point of view, this jingle should be changed to "eat grapes without skin and seeds." Grape skins and grape seeds gather most of the nutrition in the grapes, and the best one is when eating grapes. eat. If you feel that the taste is not good, you can use grape juice with belt seeds into grape juice. But to be reminded that the grape cool, cold people do not eat too much at a time.

Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil Softgel (Reishi mushroom spore oil softgel) uses organic shell-broken Ganoderma spore powder as ingredients, combined with our patented supercritical CO2 extraction technology, making it the ultimate Ganoderma dietary supplement product on the market with the highest purity.


When it comes to dietary supplement product, safety is always the top priority. Our Ganoderma ingredient comes from our self-built Ganoderma farm, which has acquired 4 organic certifications from China, Japan, the US, and the EU. We make sure every step of the whole process is safe and traceable without any kind of contamination.



The supercritical CO2 extraction technology uses liquefied CO2 as a solvent to dissolve spore oil from shell-broken spore powder under hyperbaric environment. After CO2 evaporates, it is left with pure Reishi Spore Oil. This method makes sure that no chemical reagent will be left in the spore oil during the extraction process while still maintaining the highest purity. The triterpenes content in this product is as high as over 20%.



Ganoderma spore oil is great for people with severe chemical liver damage due to long-term drinking and high pressure. It also assists cancer treatment and helps reduce the side effects from chemo and radiotherapy and greatly increase the level of immune cells. Reports have shown that Ganoderma Oil can inhibit the growth of internal and external tumor, with a success rate of 56.3%.


Recommended dosage: 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time.

Ganoderma Spore Oil

Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil Softgel,Reishi Spore Oil,Ganoderma Oil

Ganoherb International Inc. ,