Winter fish species notes

From the winter solstice to the Spring Festival, the water quality is stable, the fish body is sturdy, the disease is less, and the fish species are strong, the fish scales are tight, and the adaptability is strong. At this time, the stocking species is extremely favorable, and the water temperature is low, the fish activity is weak, and the fishing and stocking process is in progress. The survival rate is high, and at the same time, the trouble of overwintering over the pond is avoided, so that the fish species can be evacuated and intensively cultivated earlier, and the early spring growth can be promoted, which can facilitate early adaptation of the fish species, early start of food, and early growth. However, the water temperature in winter is low, so pay attention to the details of stocking.

The transformation of fish ponds should be started as early as possible in the excavation or reconstruction of the fish ponds to ensure that the fishing ponds have an area of ​​2 mu or more, a water depth of 2 meters or more, and the bottom of the pond requires good water retention performance, no leakage, and ample water sources for the site selection of fish ponds. Any pollution, good water quality, and leeward sun. For old ponds, follow the principle of “small ponds change large ponds, shallow pools change deep pools, dead pools change living pools, and leaking pools change the pools for protection”. Old ponds should be cleared of mud at the bottom of the pond every year, and sediments should be kept between 10 cm and 15 cm. After the silt, let the fishing pond be exposed for a few days. The fishing ponds with better conditions will also need to be trimmed and put into dry pond water. After sun exposure or freezing, the thick silt will be excavated, the weeds will be removed, and the pond will be raised and reinforced.

Clear pond disinfection of the general fishing pond pathogenic factors are more, we should pay attention to the clear pond sterilization and disease prevention, clear weather to clear the pond clearing work. One method is to dry clear ponds, that is, by using quick limes of 75 kg to 100 kg or bleaching powders of 3 kg to 4 kg per acre to dissolve in water, evenly splashing in the whole pool, and letting the ponds soak for a few days after splashing, and using rice dumplings. Quan Quan agitation, in order to achieve full disinfection and disease prevention; the other method is to clear the pond with water, according to the depth of 1 meter per mu with lime 130 kg to 150 kg or bleaching powder 10 kg to 12 kg melted Quanchiposa. Sprinkle time to the edge, especially around the pond is easy to ignore.

Fertilize the newly excavated fish ponds or thin water ponds before applying the basal fertilizer to cultivate natural food. The amount of fertilizer can be determined according to sediment quality, pond status, and fertilizer type. After 5 days of general disinfection, the fishpond water is fully filled, and 400-600 kg of human and animal manure is applied per acre, directly spraying the pool bottom. After the beginning of spring, the growth of the fingerlings must be enhanced as early as possible. Fertilizers can be applied, and biological fertilizers can also be used to cultivate water.

Fish stocks to do a good job in fish ponds winter release work must grasp the following four points: First, to seize the opportunity. The stocking of fishing ponds is divided into preliminary and supplementary points and must be handled flexibly. Generally during the winter solstice before and after the Spring Festival, the water temperature is relatively low during this time, and the scales of the fish are tight, which facilitates the fishing operations and transportation, so that the survival rate of the fish species can be improved. At the same time, the water quality is stable, the fish body is sturdy, and the disease is less. At this time, it is very favorable for early release, which can facilitate early adaptation of the fish species, early start of food, and early growth; as for the supplementation, the growth status of the species and the condition of the pond must be watched and added at any time. , Flexible, early arrangements. In addition, fish stocking should be conducted in fine weather. The second is reasonable stocking. Stocking species should be flexibly controlled according to market conditions and water resources. Fish ponds with rich fertilizer sources should be dominated by grasshoppers and squid, with grasses, cockroaches, clams, cockroaches, breams, etc.; grass-fishes should be used for grass-rich fish ponds. Such as herbivorous fish, with oysters, oysters, oysters, clams, squid and so on. The ratio of common fish to filter fish: 30% to 20%: 70% to 80% in fertilizer ponds, 25% to 45% in general water areas, 75% to 55% in ponds, ponds with convenient ponds or rows of water 60% to 80%: 40% to 20%. The proportion of middle and lower fish: filter fish is 5% to 15%: 95% to 85%, eating fish is 55% to 65%: 45% to 35%. After May, tropical warm-water fishes such as tilapia and freshwater whitefish can also be stocked to meet the needs of replanting, which can increase the variety and characteristics of the operations, and also help improve the efficiency of the pond. The third is to grasp the quality. Fish species require strong physique, clear body color, healthy and lively, disease-free, no damage, intact scales, and non-destructive fins. The size of stocked fish is more than 13 cm. Such fish species have strong adaptability and high survival rate. The fourth is strict disinfection. Fish species must be strictly disinfected before they are stocked. Generally, 3% to 5% bleaching powder or 8 mg/L copper sulfate can be used to soak fish species for 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Under conditions, 18 cm or more of green and grass fingerlings were injected with diluted 0.5 ml of blue and grass carp hemorrhagic inactivated vaccine, 18 cm or less of each tail, and 0.3 ml of each tail was injected to control bleeding.

Timely feeding in winter or spring When the temperature rises, fish activity gradually increases and it is advisable to start feeding early to promote the growth of fish as soon as possible. Feeding should be fed with a nutritious, scientifically formulated compound feed with a feed amount of 1% to 2% of the total weight of the fish to ensure protein content in the feed. At the same time, we must adhere to fixed-point feeding so that the fish can regularly ingest food. The number of feedings can be flexibly controlled according to the weather, temperature, water quality, fish, etc. The appropriate amount of feeding can be used to increase the fish body fatness to ensure the fish species. Safe winter.

Strengthen Management During the winter and spring seasons, the temperature is low. In addition to the conventional requirements for the management of fish ponds, attention should also be paid to the “four preventions”: First, the pools should be protected from water. Due to the early restocking time, the fish should be strengthened during the wintering period. When the weather is fine, the pond water level should be properly reduced to facilitate the warming of the water body. When the cold weather comes, the pond water level should be deepened in advance to facilitate insulation and antifreeze. The second is to prevent over-stretching. Feeding in winter and spring should be based on the principle of timely and appropriate, but the feeding is too busy to avoid wasting. When the temperature is high, it can be fed appropriately, or some bean cakes, rapeseed cakes, etc. can be added to enhance the fish's ability to resist cold. The third is to prevent disease. The disease focuses on prevention and prevention, and the principle of prevention focuses on governance. At the same time, drugs should be used for disease prevention. Generally, under the premise of adhering to the disinfection of clear ponds and disinfecting fish, regular preventive measures should be taken as soon as possible. Every half month, per gram of lime sulfate 10 kg or 0.7 ppm copper sulfate solution Quanchiposa once. , At the same time, put bleach or copper sulphate bag on the fish bait to prevent it. When a disease occurs, professionals should be promptly asked to make a correct diagnosis and to prescribe the right medicine. In the winter, common hydromycosis is more common. When the disease occurs, sick fish swim abnormally, and loss of appetite causes them to die and become thin. The prevention and control methods are as follows: During the fishing, transportation and stocking process, do not injure the fish body; when it happens, it can be splashed with 2 gallons per gallon of water per cubic meter of water, or soaked with 5% salt water for 5 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to step up management, take a tour of the ponds day and night, and find solutions to problems in time. Keep quiet around the pond to reduce human and animal activities so as not to cause stress reactions to the fish. The fourth is the deterioration of waterproof material. When fish floating head or onset, take timely measures to treat. The dead fish and sick fish in the pond should be picked up as early as possible, away from the deep burial, so as not to spread the disease or affect the water quality.

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