Occurrence and Control of Banana Wilt Disease

Banana wilt disease is a devastating disease and is an international phytosanitary object, caused by Fusarium oxysporum Cuban specialised infection. In our province, there are mainly races No. 1 and No. 4. Race No. 1 is mainly responsible for pink bananas, and race No. 4 is used for bananas and bananas. Pathogens survive in the soil for several years, generally reducing production by more than 20%, and severe field crops and even crop failure.
First, the endangered symptoms of the banana strains in the early stage of the lower edge of the leaves and sheaths outside the yellow, and gradually expanded to the middle ribs, resulting in the whole leaves yellow quickly withered. The petiole folds down near the leaf sheath, causing the leaf to droop; afterwards, except for the parietal lobe, all the leaves turn brown and dry from bottom to top; the pseudostem is cracked at the base and finally the whole plant withers. The rhizomes, bulbs, and pseudostems are cut through and their vascular bundles are red-brown.
Second, the incidence of disease Banana wilt disease is a soil-borne vascular disease, diseased banana seedlings and diseased soil is the primary source of infection. High temperature and rain, soil acidity, sandy loam, low fertility, soil viscosity, poor drainage, poor permeability of the underlying soil, and cropping and other factors, is conducive to disease. The diseased spring planting banana generally begins to develop from June to July, and is aggravated from August to September, and enters the peak of onset from October to November. Banana fusarium wilt is transmitted by long distances by transporting and removing banana seedlings, soil and agricultural machinery, etc., and is carried by bacteria-contaminated water and conidia.
Third, quarantine prevention and control measures
1. Seedlings Quarantine and Management Strict nursery management: Strictly quarantine the suckers used for the production of tissue culture seedlings to prevent selection in the wards and neighboring banana areas. Grade II greenhouses for banana seedlings should be selected from places where the terrain is high and away from banana plant crops. They should be cultured in the soil free from pathogens of banana fusarium wilt and irrigated with unpolluted water. Formalin and carbendazim should be used to disinfect greenhouses. The tools for importing and exporting disinfection rooms are forbidden to enter the sheds.
Planting healthy banana plantlets: First and second class banana seedlings are required to be quarantined at the place of production and transportation. It is strictly forbidden to plant banana seedlings (except tissue culture bottle seedlings and bag seedlings) and diseased soil to be transferred to disease-free areas. Growers should purchase qualified quarantine products. Banana seedlings.
2. Remove banana plants that cause banana blight in diseased plants. The diseased plants must be excavated in time and dried in place. The condition can be first injected into the diseased banana plants with glyphosate solution (injected at a height of 15 cm, 10 ml for large plants and 3 ml for seedlings). After the plants die, the diseased plants are collected and burned or buried deeply. The banana gardens in sporadic areas must be replanted with other non-crocodile crops or used for other purposes; in the banana gardens in severely afflicted areas, the soil around the diseased plants should be disinfected with lime or carbendazim and other agents, and agricultural control should be carried out.
3. Agricultural control shall be strictly sterilized with lime, carbendazim and other agents for planting acupuncture points, agricultural tools entering and leaving the ward, soil, organic fertilizer, etc.; plant disease-free propagation materials (including buds and tissue cultures) and resistance (resistant) disease varieties; adopt low-pressure micro sprinkler technology, no tillage or less tillage, appropriate application of phosphorus, potash or organic fertilizer; wards use paddy crop rotation, change other non-creative crops or other uses. 4. Chemical control Use carbendazim and other agents to sterilize the diseased field 2-3 times and reduce the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the soil.

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