High-yield, high-yield cultivation techniques of Maoyezao

Maoyezao, also known as Taiwanese jujube, Indian jujube, and apple jujube, is a plant belonging to the genus Liriaceae. It is native to India and is a fast-growing, high-yielding, high-quality fruit tree because of its unique flavor and richness. Nutrients are favored by consumers and have become a new type of fruit that has developed rapidly in our county. The grafted seedlings can be flowered in the same year after the planting in March-April. The single plant can bear fruit 10-20Kg in the year, and the yield per plant for cultivation over 3 years can reach more than 100Kg. Due to maturity of Maoyezao fruit from November to March of the following winter and spring, it coincides with the listing in the off-season, with higher economic returns. At present, there are Gaolang No. 1, Pik Wan, New Century, and Huangguan in our county. Its cultivation and management techniques are as follows: I. Garden construction: Maoyezao has a wide adaptability to the soil. Regardless of hillsides or flat lands, various soil materials can be grown and planted. The park should select places with sufficient sunshine, convenient irrigation and drainage, convenient transportation and sheltering from the sun. The slope of the mountainous area should be greater than 30 degrees. It is inappropriate to develop plants in areas with dampness, frost, drought, water, barrenness, and windy conditions. Second, the colonization techniques: 1, the colonization period: the establishment of Maoyezao should be selected in the rainy season in the evening of March-April, in areas with good irrigation and climate conditions or nutrition bag nursery can be planted all year round. 2. Density of planting: Hilly lands and soil-poor lands can be densely packed. Fertile soil orchards can be sparsely covered. The average row spacing is 55m, and after three years, the harvest is reduced to 18-20 per 667m2. 3. Planting method: Before planting, dig a planting hole according to the specifications of 50cm square, apply soil-fertilizer 25-50Kg per hole, ternary compound fertilizer (hereinafter referred to as compound fertilizer) 1Kg, calcium magnesium phosphate 1Kg and appropriate amount of boron, sulfuric acid Magnesium, conditional can be added to peanut cake fertilizer 1-2Kg after full mixing as base fertilizer. For acid soils, add appropriate lime powder to neutralize acidity. After planting, drench the rooting water, cover with straw or film moisturize, if it is sunny, it should be watered once every 1-2 days until it survives. 4. Configuration of Pollination Tree: The rate of self-flowering of Ziziphus mauritiana is low, and the pollination tree needs to be configured for cultivation. The allocation of pollination trees should be the same for the morning flowering type and the afternoon flowering type and the flowering period (such as Gaolang No. 1). With Pik Wan), the mix of pollination trees is about 10-20%. Third, scientific fertilization: 1, base fertilizer: re-basal fertilizer, usually after the fruit picking in March-April trimming retraction after the expansion points to soil points applied organic fertilizer 30-50Kg, urea 0.1Kg, calcium magnesium phosphate 0.5Kg 0.5Kg compound fertilizer as base fertilizer. If plant vigor is weak, nitrogen fertilizer may be added as appropriate. 2. Top dressing: After the new valued plants have survived, apply 1-2% urea solution or decomposed thin human feces and urine every 15 days, apply 3 times, and then apply every 75 days for each plant. 100g compound fertilizer can increase 20-25g of urea per plant per fruit in the young fruit stage, and increase 1Kg of cooked peanut cake or 25Kg of human feces and urine per fruit in the fruit expansion period to increase yield and quality. For mature trees above the age of two years, flowering fertilizer is applied before flowering stage in June and July. 0.3Kg of compound fertilizer and 0.1Kg of urea are applied to the plant; the fruit fertilizer is applied during the young fruit period from September to October, and 0.7Kg of compound fertilizer is applied to facilitate fruit pulp. Cell proliferation; strong fruit fertilizer during fruit enlargement from November to December. This time, potassium fertilizer is the main ingredient and fruit enlargement is promoted. In the flowering period in July and the young fruit period in October, depending on the growth of the tree, it is advisable to use foliar sprays of 0.1% poplar or 0.5% monobasic potassium phosphate plus 0.2% borax, zinc sulfate, and magnesium sulfate to promote leaf growth. Pollination, fertilization, increase the rate of fruit set, promote fruit enlargement, and prevent the deficiency of the disease. 4. Water Management: The date of jujube should be kept dry in the month before flowering and in the young fruit period, and should not be watered. The orchards should be kept moist in other periods. When the fruit grows to a diameter of 1.5cm, the fruit begins to swell quickly and requires a lot of water. , Start irrigation, keep the orchard moist, and avoid harvesting large amounts of water during the harvest period. In the rainy season and typhoon season, we must do a good job of preventing orchard discharge. 5. Trimming and scaffolding: The growth of shoots of Maozao jujube is large, slender and fragile, and there are many fruit-bearing fruits. It is easy to cause detritus and suffer wind damage. Trim work must be done to achieve high yield and stable yield. After the colonization and survival, the 4-5 robust branches that grow obliquely above and above the selected grafting interface during May-June are the main branches of the current year, and other young shoots and rootstock buds are cut off. For annual plants, simply cut off the overlapping branches. Trees more than two years old should be properly trimmed within the shrubbery, overlapping branches, to maintain good ventilation and light, and need to be updated once a year main trunk. Mao Zizao has a strong growth potential and a large amount of fruit. Branches are easily overloaded and broken or drooping. In addition to timely pruning, scaffolding must be erected to facilitate its growth and development and prevent wind damage. 6, thinning, fruit thinning and bagging: thinning fruit generally in late September - early October, when the fruit diameter 0.5cm, thinning fruit according to the principles of retention and inferiority, sparse small fruit, malformed fruit, disease Insects, etc., to grasp the 2-3 section to leave a fruit. From November to December when the diameter of the fruit is 2-3cm, the fruit trees are covered with fruits and sprayed with a pesticide to prevent pests. The yellow breathable film or white transparent food bag is used for fruit bagging. Pay attention to pest control during growth. Peel the color when the skin turns white or yellow.

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Shelf life: 18 months
Ingredients: Pepper, broad bean, vegetable oil, edible salt, wheat flour, sesame seeds, food additives. Storage method: Normal temperature, avoid light storage, open the bag after refrigeration.

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