Autumn fish species management techniques

(A) After the clear pond is introduced into the autumn, the fish should be transferred to a pond that has been sterilized in the clear pond for breeding so that the fish can safely pass winter. In places where water and fish ponds are difficult to turn around, all the fish can be transferred out of temporary stocking. Disposal of 75-100 kilograms of lime per acre is used for the original pond. The water is fertilized according to conventional methods. Turn back.

(2) The division and maintenance shall be consistent with the specification of the fish species put in the same pool. Because large-scale fish species have large food intake and strong grabbing power, if small-scale fish species are placed at the same time, small-sized fish species will not receive enough feed and their physical quality will decline. For fish species over 16 cm in size, they can be placed in fish ponds and reared in smaller fish species.

(3) Diluting in order to increase the survival rate of fingerlings in winter should be reasonably dilute according to the size of the water surface, water depth and other conditions. 1.5 meters deep ponds, acres of 7-8 cm long fish species 4000-6000 tail, rearing to the end of the body length up to 13-17 cm.

(4) Feeding Babies that are mainly grass-raising species, with oysters and oysters, should be fed with castor feeds and fed properly. Every day, ten thousand grass carps are fed with duckweed or aquatic plants weighing 70-90 kilograms and concentrate feed 1.5-2.5 kilograms. First, cast green fodder and then concentrate to prevent grass carp from competing with other fish. The polycultured cockroaches and cockroaches must be fertilized regularly, fertilized once every 10-15 days, and fermented and excreted 70-90 kg per acre. Pool water transparency is maintained at 30-35 cm. In the case of fingerlings and squid species, fish ponds with grass carp should be dominated by fertilization, supplemented by feeding. In addition to basal fertilization, top dressing is applied once every 5-10 days, and 80-100 kilograms of manure excrement per acre is applied. At the same time, every day, 100,000 kg of fish are put into the diet for 2-4 kg. For grass carp, it is advisable to feed 60-90 kilograms of fodder per 10,000 grass carp before consubstantial feeding.
(e) The patrol pool insists on patroling the pool every day to observe the feeding and activities of the fish species, pay attention to changes in water quality, and add new water once a week. The food field should be regularly cleaned, and the residue left over from the bait should be removed in a timely manner. Each half of the month should be sprinkled with 0.5 kg of bleached water around the food field. Feed the bait regularly. The best two times a month, each feeding 3 consecutive days. Fish disease was diagnosed and treated in time.

(6) To prevent cold, first of all, it is required to keep the wintering pond water at about 2 meters. Secondly, it is still necessary to maintain the fertile water quality. In the warmer sunny days, a small amount of feeding is needed, especially for grass carp, herring, and squid.