Sunfish breeding technology

Sunfish are native to the United States, Canada, and other countries. The fish are small in size. The common ones are usually 50-100 grams/tail, and the big ones are about 2000 grams. The appearance of the Sunfish is somewhat similar to that of Nile tilapia. The most striking feature of the fish is that the lid has a long trailing edge. Black like ear-shaped soft membrane, commonly known as "eardrum." Sunfish is pale orange or light orange in color from the head to the abdomen, and is light blue in the back.
Every year from March to October, it is the breeding season of sunfish. In general, a 15 cm female can spawn 12000-65000 eggs, spawn many times, and have a long breeding season. The fish is suitable for a wide temperature range. It also feeds normally at low water temperatures (12°C).

The diet of sunfish is mainly animal feed. Under artificial feeding conditions, feeding artificially-combined pellets can also fully meet its growth needs. The protein content of feed can be 32-36.

The fish is very adaptable, and both large and small water bodies can grow. It is better to use a single intensive culture. For ponds with a depth of about 1.5 meters, about 1200 fish fry 3-4 cm per acre are reared, and the amount of daily feeding is 10% of the fish's body weight. When it grows to about 100 grams per fish, the daily feeding amount accounts for the fish's weight. %, as long as the prevention of fish disease is usually done, the fish is usually very small.

In recent years, experts in fish breeding in the United States have developed a new technology called “sexual transformation”, which will transform females that have hatched in the near future into male fry. The stocking of these fry generally takes about 8 months and the average weight is about 500 grams/tail. Sunfish are both food and ornamental fish. At present, commercial fish with 100 g/head or more are very popular with consumers. The price is good and demand exceeds supply. The choice of breeding sunfish is another rare opportunity for getting rich.