Turtle fish polyculture

Turtle is delicious and delicious, rich in protein and vitamins. It is an advanced tonic and medicinal product. It has the functions of nourishing yin and strengthening blood and detoxifying the body. In recent years, turtles have become a valuable aquatic product popular among consumers. The practice of keeping turtles in various places has proven that using turtle turtle polyculture not only does not harm the fish but also does not hinder turtles, and turtles can benefit from each other's mutual benefits, which is conducive to the improvement of turtle production and fish yield and the improvement of breeding efficiency.

1. Conditions for polyculture of turtle fish

1.1 The condition of the polyculture ponds The area of ​​the polyculture ponds is generally 500-3000 square meters, and there must be land. The ratio of water to land is 7:3-8:2. The land can be set on the side of the pool, and it can also be water in the center. Surrounded by land. The turtle nest is built on land.

1.2 The construction of turtle nests The turtle nests should be built on the corners or in the middle of the land. They are generally oriented in a north-south direction. They are about 1.5 meters long, about 1 meter wide and about 20 centimeters high. They can be covered with wood. , resulting in a dark, warm winter and cool summer environment. In the winter, some soft insulation (such as hay, burlap, etc.) is put on the bottom to facilitate turtle hibernation. When the weather is fine, you can open the nest and let the sun shine into the nest for disinfection.

1.3 Planting shades Plant some plants on the land, such as various herbaceous plants, small fruit trees, etc., to make the turtle pool as close to the natural environment as possible to facilitate turtle activity and habitat.

1.4 Pool Requirements The pond should be rectangular, with a depth of 2-2.5 meters and a depth of 1.5-2 meters. The bottom of the pool is clay or loam. The embankment is made up of turtles inhabiting the land with a slope ratio of 1:2 to 1:2.5.

1.5 Anti-escape facilities A 30-cm anti-escape wall is provided along the edge of the embankment. The width of the embankment can be the width of conventional fish ponds to facilitate the transportation of bait, fertilizer, and turtle fish products. The inlet and outlet ports must be blocked with metal or nylon screens.

2 Stocking of turtles and fish

2.1 Restocking time The stocking time of fingerlings is usually after the Spring Festival. When the water temperature rises to around 10°C, it is selected for sunny days. The time for the turtles to be released should be 3-5 months each year when the water temperature is stable above 15°C. . For example, young turtles raised in greenhouses should be placed at a stable temperature above 22°C, and the temperature should be stopped 3-4 days before the lower pool, until the indoor water temperature gradually decreases to match the outdoor water temperature before exiting the greenhouse.

2.2 Stocking species The currently cultivated turtle species mainly include tortoises, colorful turtles, snapping turtles, and gold-headed turtles; fish stocking should be based on different polyculture patterns and source of fish species. Conflicting squid, squid, grass carp, and head lice are used as the main cultured fish, in addition to a small amount of squid and squid.

2.3 Preparations before stocking Drain the pool water in winter and dry the pond for about 30 days. At the same time, remove the debris from the bottom of the pool and repair the leaking seam of the pool. Thoroughly clean the pond with lime of 150kg per 667m 2 for 10-15 days before stocking, mix the quicklime with the base mud, and inject the water and apply the base fertilizer on the second day. One day before turtle stocking, pool water was sprayed with strong chlorine 0.5-0.8 g/m2 Quanchiposa once. Before entering the pool, fish turtles should be soaked and sterilized with conventional drugs such as salt and furazolidone. The pool should be divided into turtles, fish food table, the fish's food table can be located in the water surface of 30 cm; the turtle's food table is 1.5-2 meters long, about 60 cm wide, there are 15-25 cm immersed in water to adapt As the water level rises and falls, the inclination of the bait station is appropriately smaller than the slope rate of the bank. Set a 4 cm high edge around the table to reduce food loss and facilitate turtle access.

2.4 Stocking densities and specifications to support commercial fish-based polyculture ponds, the stocking density of fish can be released in accordance with 100-150 kilograms per 667 square meters of large-sized fish species, and about 140 eggs per 150 g/cap 667 square meters. In a polyculture pool where turtles are dominant, 1300 or 667 m 2 hatchlings weighing 150-200 g, and 300 polyculture cod fishes (25-50 g/tail) are placed, and carp (25 g/f ) 80 tails, 120 grass carp (50-125 g/tail), 80 heads (12.5-25 g/tail). Stocking fish and turtles require strong constitution, no disease and no injury, and the specifications are the same.

3 Fish feed should be fed according to the requirements of “Four Definite” feeding requirements. Feed the fish before feeding the turtle.

3.1 Fish feeds and their feeding Fish feeds are based on full-priced pelleted feeds, combined with feeding green fodder, bran, etc., are fed directly on the food platform at the designated point, and green feeds should be deposited in the set grass box. Feeding amount of fish is fed once a day at around 8 o'clock and at around 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

3.2 Turtle feed and its feeding turtle feed includes animal feed and plant feed. Animal feedstuffs include internal organs and small fish, snails, snails, clams, snails, cockroaches, aphids, cocoons, etc. of various animals; vegetable feeds include vegetables, bean cakes, melons, corn, sorghum, grain buds, and rice. If the conditions can be fed artificial compound feed, its formula is: meat 80%, plant feed feed 16.4% -17.4%, feed yeast 0.2%, chicken multivitamins 0.4%, Trace elements 2%-3%. The feeding amount of turtle feed should be adjusted according to the change of season and water temperature. In high temperature season, more feeds containing more protein should be fed. After the autumn, the water temperature is low, and the feed containing higher fat should be fed; after the spring, until the end of April, Normally, it is fed once in the morning from 8:00 to 9:00; after May, the water temperature gradually increases, turtle activity is frequent, and the food intake increases gradually. It should be fed once every morning and afternoon, at 8:00. - Before and after 9:00 and 17:00-18:00; before the fall to Bailu, the temperature of the water began to drop, and the food intake decreased. Daily feeding was conducted from 8:00 to 9:00, and the amount of feed was reduced to before May. s level. It is advisable to control the amount of daily feeding within 3 hours.

4 daily management

4.1 Management of water quality management personnel shall be conducted every morning and evening to observe turtle and fish activities and changes in water quality. Add new water in a timely manner. The depth of pool water in the spring is controlled at 1.2-1.5 meters to facilitate warming. After that, the water level is gradually increased according to the weather, water quality, and the growth of the turtle. The water depth in the summer is more than 2 meters. The water is changed once every 15 days, and the old water is drained. One-third of the new water is then placed in the same amount, keeping the water color green, the water transparency about 30 centimeters, and the pH is stable between 7-7.2.

4.2 The oxygen-enhanced polyculture pool (especially the fish-based polyculture pool) should be installed with 1-2 aerators depending on the size of the area and turn on the oxygen at the right time.

4.3 Anti-escape and damage prevention Check whether the anti-escape facilities are damaged on a daily basis. In particular, check the corners and after heavy rains. In case of problems, take timely measures to prevent turtles from fleeing and invading the enemy.

5 Disease prevention During the culture, we insist on cleaning the food table once a day, removing the leftovers and keeping the ponds sanitary. According to the conventional method of fish disease prevention, the bags were bagged with bleaching powder once every 30 days for 5 days, and the whole pool was splashed with 1 lime for a concentration of 2 g/m3. From July to September, it is the peak period of the onset of turtles and fish. Furazolidone or allicin is fed continuously in fish feed every 30 days for 6 days; in turtle feed, conventional doses of herbal medicine (radican, honeysuckle, etc.) are continuously fed. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases.