The purpose, time control, and precautions of grape fight drugs

The purpose of grape pesticides is to prevent pests and diseases. The time to fight drugs depends on the area of ​​cultivation, the level of management, and the occurrence of pests and diseases. For example, due to drought, low temperature and other reasons, the grapes grown in northwest China's Xinjiang and Gansu have relatively low incidences of pests and diseases, and have fewer times to fight drugs. However, many provinces south of the Yangtze River have a high probability of occurrence of high temperature, high humidity and pests, and have many times to fight drugs. . However, the most important principle of grape-based medicine is prevention. It is necessary to understand and observe the types of diseases and pests occurring in orchards, the time of occurrence, and the cycle of occurrence. In different seasons, use different pesticides to fight drugs in advance to prevent pests and diseases.

The specific time to fight drugs in the vineyard depends on the growth stage and production season of the grapes. The major diseases and pests of southern grapevines include blackpox, downy mildew, rust, anthrax, and white rot. The pests include the penetrating wing moths, and the yellow-spotted spider mites and thrips. After pruning and clearing the garden in the winter, the trees are sprayed with 1000 times liquid to insulate the tree trunks and branches in early spring to incubate, disinfect and prevent frost, prevent the wintering virus from landing on the tree, reproduce the fruit tree life command system, and wake up early. The fruit can also be mixed with various types of pesticides; budding, leaf spreading, flowering and young fruit phases are used alternately with new high fat film, Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur, mancozeb, etc. to prevent and treat various diseases.

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