Rice Drying Technology

Paddy rice cultivation is an important method for water-saving rice cultivation. Without seedling cultivation and transplanting, it is planted under natural conditions after soil preparation. The whole growth period depends on natural precipitation to meet the growth. It is only appropriate irrigation in case of drought to ensure high and stable yield. Therefore, the dry farming of rice is also called dryland rice cultivation. As long as “four reasonable” and “one management and one governance” will be successful.
First, a reasonable choice of soil preparation and dry cultivation of rice to choose low-lying land or water meadow meadow soil suitable. Slope lands, large sand or heavy saline lands are not suitable for dry farming. Land preparation, especially the reform of dry land to promote the deep-drafted machinery, and then rotary tilling, to the formation of the surface level, the real real under the virtual, the best top soil preparation is carried out, can keep the slurry back to improve soil moisture.
Second, the rational selection of varieties of rice for the dry cultivation of the required varieties should be drought-resistant, resistant to disease, lodging resistance, moderate growth period and high yield characteristics. The fertility period is 10-15 days earlier than the local variety. The frost-free period can be selected in the areas of 170 days, such as Tanjung No. 8, Tanjung No. 5, and Drought 72.
3. Reasonably determine the minimum germination temperature for rice germination at 10-12 degrees in the sowing period, and the local planting period is generally on April 20-30. The sowing date will be the main condition under good conditions of soil moisture, and the flood season will be dominated by drought conditions. . When the seeds are planted, the upper and lower plaids can be stepped on. When the sensation is too large, the plaid can not be stepped on to prevent the soil from sticking to affect the sprouting. Seeding is mainly based on artificial seeding, and conditional available wheat seeders can be used for planting, saving labor and quality. Covering depth 2-3 cm. In order to ensure the whole seedlings, sowing before planting 2-3 days, and seed dressing with drugs, promote the use of rice as a seed coating agent for dry, but do not soak seed under drought conditions to prevent the emergence of reduced seedlings.
Fourth, rational close-to-planting rice has a short growing period for dry crops, and has fewer tillers, mainly relying on the main stem to form a panicle. Increasing yield by panicles is the main measure for proper dry planting of paddy rice. General sowing spacing 30 cm, 7-9 kilograms per 667 square meters, 15-18 million seedlings.
Fifth, to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water The role of fertilizer and water in dry and long rice is very obvious. The principle of fertilization is based on base fertilizer, supplemented by top dressing. Basal fertilizer is mainly farmyard manure, and the amount of chemical fertilizer is increased. That is, 60% of nitrogen fertilizer, all phosphorus, potassium, and trace fertilizer are used as base fertilizer to ensure the supply of nutrients and promote the early growth of root system. Top dressing is divided into two applications, that is, sub-fertilizer and panicle fertilizer. If there is no shortage of fertilizer, it may not be chased or chased to prevent late-maturing lust. The maximum period of rice water demand and the critical period of water demand are in the rainy season of July and August. The normal year can be met by natural precipitation. In case of special drought years, appropriate water supply should be used to ensure high and stable production.
Sixth, pests and weeds prevention and control Rice drought in the bakanae, blight, rice blast and rice planthopper, rice leaf roller and other pest control methods with the paddy field management. The prevention and treatment of cockroaches is best coated with special rice seed coating agents, and poisonous valley can also be used for killing. Poison Valley system method is to use soybean cake residue or corn bran 5 kg per 667 square meters plus a little leek fried after adding 25% poisoning WP 0.2 kg plus 1 kg of water, stirring, and simmering in the evening after 2 hours of field. Chemical weeding, seedlings before sowing, soil treatment, closed weeds, 5-7 days after sowing, 60% butachlor EC 200ml/20% oxalacin EC 200 ml 75 kg water spray soil per 667 square meters; Stem and leaf treatment Weeds 5-7 days after emergence, before the 2 leaves of madder, before every 667 square meters with 60% butachlor EC 200 ml plus 20% diuretic emulsifiable concentrate 200 ml water 60 kg spray; 5 leaves after Broad-leaved weeds can be sprayed with 20% dimethyl tetrachlorohydrin (0.04 kg) on ​​water.

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