Farmhouse Drug Storage Information

Drugs should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place. Households should store drugs and should indicate the name and dosage of the drug. Some drugs that are afraid of the light and are volatile are also supposed to be stored in brown bottles. The cardiotonic drugs such as home-made drugs should be kept in special counters; all kinds of injections should be stored in the original packaging in order to ascertain the factory batch number and validity period. At the same time, drugs should be placed in places that are not easily accessible to children. If the drug does not appear in the following situations, it can not be used: 1 tablets (including sugar-coated tablets), such as damp and moldy adhesion, significant discoloration, crystallization, and serious spotted loose or deformed. 2 capsules (including capsules) such as insects, mildew, deformed, broken, cracked, odor, leakage, powder leakage, etc. If the powder or granules are significantly discolored, severe moisture-blocking cakes dissolve the mold of the insects. 4 Pills such as mildew worms stained with discoloration and abnormal smell.

Layer Chicken Cage

H Type Layer Cage Co., Ltd. ,