Infectious Diseases in Sheep - Infectious Pustules in Sheep

Sheep's infectious pustules are a viral infection of cotton and goats. They are characterized by the formation of pimples, pustules, ulcers and ecchymosis in the skin and mucous membranes of the lips. Pathogens and Pathogenic Infectious Sheep The infectious pustules of pathogens are infectious pustular viruses belonging to the genus Poxvirus. The virus is very resistant to the outside world. The virus in cognac has lost its infectious power in direct sunlight for 20 days. After the autumn on the ground, it is still contagious until the coming spring. Sick sheep is the source of infection. The livestock houses, stalls, and trough appliances were contaminated by diseased sheep and transmitted to healthy sheep through abrasions of skin and mucous membranes. The disease mainly affects 2 month old lambs, and it often occurs in groups. The incidence of adult sheep is very high, and most of them are sporadic infections. Due to the strong resistance of this virus, once it occurs, it can be harmful in the flock for many years. 1. The pathology of the disease occurs in the lips. Light on the lips, eyelids, nose and around the rash occurs, the gradual change to pustules, pustules fusion rupture into brown black scale, lift off the scales appear erosive surface, scaling gradually fall off. Usually recover 2 days. There are also lesions spread around the mouth, eyelids, and auricles. Form a large area with cracks, easy to bleed dirt scales, scales under the granules proliferation, so that the entire mouth swelling, affecting feeding, so that diseased sheep are increasingly debilitating death. Some affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, cheeks, tongue, gums, and soft and hard palate mucosa. Blisters are surrounded by flushes. The blisters quickly turn into pustules. The pustules break up and form plaques. The saliva of the mouth is stinky and cloudy. Eating. Some sheep had morbidity on the hoofs, and pustules and ulcers developed on the fork, hoof, and department. Some lesions occur in the vulva. In the labia and the nearby skin, pustules, rot spots, and ecchymosis occur on the skin of the penis and the nearby skin and penis. 2. Prevention (1) Strengthen the usual health work for epidemic prevention. Forage should be soft, and try to pick out the burrs, feed and feed the amount of salt and mineral trace elements necessary to reduce the sheep ram soil, rake the wall to protect the skin from mucous membrane damage. (2) In the event of this disease, the affected sheep should be quickly isolated. Contaminated sheep farms, sites, stalls, feeding troughs, utensils, etc., were treated with caustic soda solution or lime milk. (3) Oral lesions can be washed with potassium permanganate and rubbed with iodine, iodine and glycerine. Once a day, it lasts for several days. (4) For lesions in the hooves, the hooves can be soaked in formalin solution for 5 minutes and soaked several times until cured. (5) In order to prevent co-infection, antibiotics and sulfa drugs can be used at the same time. China Agricultural Network Editor