Peanut selection before sowing is better

As the temperature rises, farmers are embarking on the preparation of peanut seeds. For peanut production, good pre-sowing seed treatment is the basis for peanut seedlings, seedlings and seedlings. When selecting seeds, pay attention to the following issues:

Anti-mildew. Last autumn, during the harvest and drying season of peanuts, some localities encountered light rain, which caused drying and harvesting of peanuts. Peanut pods have different degrees of mildew. After germination, the germination potential of the peanut seed was reduced, yellowing of the leaf color appeared after emergence, resistance to disease was reduced, and the incidence of root rot of the peanut was increased.

Selected species. Before sowing, the peanut pods were carefully selected and the mixed fruit, rotten fruit and insect fruit were removed. After the rice was peeled off, it was graded according to the size of the grain, and the seeds were sown together. The seeds were sown in the middle, and seeds of small grains, pods, buds, and molds were eliminated.

Sowing before sowing. Before sowing, drying fruit can kill pathogens on the epidermis of pods, enhance the water permeability of seed coats, accelerate the water absorption process of seeds, promote the activity of enzymes, facilitate the transformation of nutrients in seeds, increase the germination rate of seeds, and bring forth seedlings. Seed maturity is poor and moisture during storage, the effect of drying more significant. After drying seed treatment, peanuts emerged 1-2 days earlier, which could increase production by 10%-15%. Choose sunny morning, put the peanuts on the drying floor, the thickness of 1-2 inches, continuous drying 2-3 days, should always flip, to be consistent in the tan.

Peel off in the evening. According to the investigation, there are many farmers who have already stripped peanut seeds well in advance. This has many unfavorable factors. First, the physiological function of the seed that peels the skin is accelerated, and the breathing speeds up, the consumption of nutrients increases; second, it is susceptible to moisture mildew. Reduce the seed germination rate; Third, the seeds are easy to peel after drying, resulting in an increase in the seed breaking rate when sowing, reducing the practicality of the seed, it is difficult to ensure that the peanut seedlings after emergence. Peeling is best to be half a month before peanut sowing.

Chemical seed dressing. In recent years, peanut blight, root rot, and stalk rot have occurred. Many farmers do not know to deal with it in advance, but wait until the disease occurs before they begin to fight drugs. In fact, this time, prevention and treatment are already late, and the control effect is not satisfactory. Chemical seed dressing is a small investment, and the control method is more ideal. Therefore, seeding must be seed dressing, seed dressing agents should be adapted to local conditions, do not blindly medication.

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