How to do a good job of broiler chicken

Chickens are brooded between 0 and 6 weeks of age. The general requirement of its husbandry and management is to adopt scientific feeding and management measures based on the physiological characteristics and living habits of the native chickens to create a good environment to meet the physiological requirements of the native chickens, strictly prevent the occurrence of various diseases, and increase the survival rate. Grasping brooding is the key to cultivating quality and robust chicks.

1. Density: 20 to 30 per square meter for 1 to 3 weeks old, 10 to 15 per square meter for 4 to 6 weeks of age; 50 to 60 per square meter for cages aged 1 to 3 weeks, 4 to 6 weeks Age 20 to 30 per square meter, pay attention to strong and weak groups feeding.

2. Temperature: 1 to 2 days at 33°C, 3 to 4 days at 32°C, 5 to 7 days at 30°C, 8 to 14 days at 28°C, and then 3°C per week until 21°C. The temperature control should be watched at the same time as the suggested temperature. Observe that if the chicken is found to be tired, wheezing, or collapsed, it means the temperature is too high; if the young chickens crowd together, the buzzing means that the temperature is too low.

3. Humidity: Humidity is high, affecting water metabolism, breeding of pathogens and protozoa. If the humidity is too low, not only the chicks are susceptible to a cold but also affect the absorption of the yolk. At the same time, it causes the dust to fly and it is easy to induce respiratory diseases. The appropriate relative humidity is 60% to 70% before 10 days of age and 55% to 60% after 10 days of age. The principle of humidity control is that the early period should not be too low and should be avoided in the later period.

4. Drinking water: Drinking water is the key to brooding. After hatching, chicks should supply drinking water as soon as possible. In hot weather, provide cool water as much as possible; during the cold winter, warm water of not less than 20°C should be given. In the first few days, 5% sugar can be added to the water. The appropriate amount of vitamins and electrolytes can effectively increase the survival rate of the chicks.

5. Feeding: The chicks drink water after entering the brooding house and eat it every 3 to 4 hours. The number of feedings is 6 times a week in the first week and can be reduced once a week until 3 times a day. Try to use chick starter as much as possible.

6. Ventilation: Adjustable temperature, humidity, air flow rate, remove harmful gases, keep the air fresh, reduce dust in the air, reduce the body temperature of the chicken and so on.

7. Light: In principle, the first week of strong light, to avoid strong light after 2 weeks, the degree of illumination to the chicken can see feed intake is appropriate. The first week is 22 to 24 hours a day, from the second to the eighth week of age 10 to 12 hours, and the 9th to the 18th week of the age is 8 to 9 hours.

8. Severing and repairing: 7 to 11 days is the best time for the first break; repairs are performed within 8 to 10 weeks. Vitamin K3 may be added to the drinking water (or feed) on the day before and after the break, and about 5 mg is added per kilogram of water (or feed).

9. According to local epidemic monitoring, immunization and medication prevention according to the sanitation and epidemic prevention procedures.

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