Safe Breeding Techniques for Hog Safer

Summer heat is so hot that only the pig can be safely used for summer to obtain the best economic benefits. Therefore, the following techniques can be used in the breeding process:

1, adjust the diet structure

During the midsummer period, the energy feed in the diet should be relatively reduced, increasing the green feed. Normal energy feed is 50% to 70% of the diet, summer should be 40% to 50%; green feed every day from 0.5 to 1 kg, increased to 1 to 1.5 kg, feed to fresh health, no mildew.

2, the implementation of night feeding

Feeding pigs at night can reduce daytime activities and increase pig sleep time. In addition, there is less outside interference at night, and the weather is relatively cool. After the pigs eat, they can sleep more than 18 hours a day, which is conducive to the growth of pigs. The feeding time can be performed at 7:00, 11:00, and 4:00 a.m., with 3 feedings per night, and 0.5% saline and greenish succulent feeds can be fed once a day at 10:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. As long as the feed is reasonable and meets the nutritional requirements, pigs with a body weight of about 50 kilograms can gain 0.5 to 0.75 kilograms per day.

3, provide adequate clean drinking water

Water is the best solvent and transportation tool for all kinds of nutrients. Excluding waste in the body is also run through water. Pig body water accounts for 1/3 to 2/3 of the weight, and summer pig daily water consumption is 23.8% of itself. Drink 0.5% saline to regulate body temperature.

4, feed heatstroke

Its method is available:

(1) After the vinegar or sauerkraut juice, pig vinegar or sauerkraut juice, the body temperature of the pig can be reduced in a certain period of time, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling off. Each time can be taken orally 250 to 500 ml, depending on the size of the pig increase or decrease.

(2) White lentils have the effect of relieving summer heat and strengthening the stomach, and 20 to 50 grams of weight can be used depending on the weight of the pig.

(3) mung bean soup, take the amount of mung bean, add water 20 times until the skin is rotten, cool, drink soup to eat beans.

(4) Add water decoction into soup with plantain and light bamboo, and feed the pig with the same feed.

(5) watermelon rind, 2 kilograms of fresh watermelon rind, 100 grams of sugar mixed with smashed, and fed 1 time every other day.

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