
The grape-winged moths are widely distributed and have been documented in Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces as well as Beijing and Tianjin.

Injury larvae eat vines, causing dendrites to die. The victim discharged brown excrement from the boring hole. The larvae plucked the pith part of the vine. The victim's swelling swelled like a tumor. The affected leaves were withered and the fruit was easily detached, easily broken or withered.

Life history and habits: Each year in the North, the old larvae spend their winters in the heart of the damaged branch, and in the spring, a round emergence hole is closed, and the hole is sealed with silk and then phlegm. The adult eclosion occurs from June to July. Jiangxi recorded that in late March, it was turned into a chemical fertilizer. During the April-May period in the north, the phlegm occurred in the north, and the flood season in the north was about 30 days. Nanjing recorded only 5-6 days in the flood season. One generation occurred in Shanghai and Suzhou. In mid-April in April, larvae emerged; adult ecloses emerged from May 1 to May 20, and copulation and spawning occurred. In late May to early July, larvae infested and tender vines were grown. From mid-July to late September, old vines were infested for more than two years. 10 From mid-month until hibernation, the larvae enter the mature stage and increase their food intake. During the middle and late November, the larvae live in the medulla.

Adult eclosion eclosion and drilling emergence hole exposed head, chest and abdomen still remain in the end of the feather hole without landing, the adult eclosion remains in the feathering hole, the adult eclosion at night, there is phototaxis. Shortly after emergence of adult eclosion, spawning occurs. The eggs are spawned between branches, vines and buds. Each female produces about 50 eggs. The egg period is about 10 days. After hatching, the larvae of eggs hatch from the base of the petiole into the shoots. The wormholes often piled with insect feces.

?? Prevention methods
1, due to the presence of yellow leaves at the victim, the branches of vines enlargement and thickening, from June to July to carefully check and found that the worm branches cut off, pruning branches found in autumn pruning burned.
2. When worms are found and they are unwilling to be cut off, the wormholes can be peeled off, the feces can be pulled out with a wire, and a cotton ball impregnated with 100 times dichlorvos solution can be stuffed with a plastic film to tie the wormhole or yellow mud. Live, you can kill the larvae, or insert one-fourth piece of aluminum phosphide, and then use plastic film to seal or mud plug.
3. Make a forecast of the adult emergence period and spray the insecticide in time. The method is: First, the branches with the mature larvae are cut into 5-6 cm, and a total of 10 are cut, placed in a wire cage and hung in the vineyard. It is found that the adult insects fly out in 5 days and spray the medicine in time. - 3000 times to kill chrysanthemum. In the area around Suzhou and Shanghai, it is usually sprayed once every 3-4 days before flowering and after flowering. There are 25% chrysanthemum ester, 20% triclosan emulsion 3000 times, 80% dichlorvos or 50% malathion. Phosphorus 1000 times, have good results. Triazophos 20% EC 1500-2000 times liquid control effect for a long time.

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Recommended dosage: 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time.

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