Want to have good nutrition tips

Adding urea silage In order to increase the crude protein content in silage, 5 kg of urea can be added per ton of silage material. The method of adding is: when the raw material is filled, urea is fully dissolved in water to form an aqueous solution, and then evenly sprayed on the raw material. In addition to urea, 3-4 kg of urea phosphate can be added to each ton of silage raw material. To effectively preserve the nutrients in silage. Adding silage of trace elements In order to increase the nutritional value of silage, 0.5 g of copper sulfate, 5 g of manganese sulfate, 2 g of zinc sulfate, 1 g of cobalt chloride, 0.1 g of potassium iodide, and 0.5 kg of sodium sulfate may be added per ton of silage material. After thoroughly mixing and dissolving these trace elements in water, the silage can be sprayed evenly on the raw materials. Adding lactic acid bacteria silage inoculation of lactic acid bacteria can increase lactic acid content to maintain the quality of silage. The strain currently used is mainly Lactobacillus delbrueckii, and the general added amount is 0.5 liters of lactic acid bacteria culture per ton of silage material or 450 g of lactic acid bacteria. The addition of formaldehyde (formalin formalin) silage can prevent mildew of silage during silage. Generally adding 3-5 kg ​​of formaldehyde per ton of silage with a concentration of 85% can ensure that there is no activity of spoilage bacteria in the silage process, so that the loss of dry matter in the feed is reduced by more than 50%, and the digestibility of the feed can be increased by 20%. Sourcing silage can inhibit spoilage and mold growth. Commonly used additives include formic acid: 3 kg per ton of grass forage, and 5 kg per ton of legume forage. However, corn stalk silage generally does not add formic acid. Do not allow skin contact with formic acid to avoid burns. Semi-dry silage drying silage to semi-dry, moisture content of 45% -55%, smashed closed silage. The dry matter content of this semi-dry silage is about 1 times higher than that of silage, and it is rich in nutrition and good palatability.

Do you want the fresh baked bread which look good, feel good, and smell fragrant? Our enzyme can helps you. Sunson is committed to providing global customers with quality and efficient Food And Beverage Enzymes. Sunson Group supplys Xylanase, Lipase, Amylase, Hemi-cullulase and Glucose for the baking industry. The bread just made out of the oven has the best taste, feeling and smells.Using our enzyme, you can extend the freshness, enhance the appearance, and help to improve the moisture to ensure the good feeling of the new toast. Sunsonenzymes help your fresh products attract people's appearance, good texture, and with less chemicals.


Slow down the bread staling

Prolong  the bread shelf life

Improve crumb structure

Improve dough stability significantly

Reduce or replace emulsifier in the bread processing

This product should be stored in a cool and dry place in sealed container, avoiding insolation, high temperature and damp.  The product has been formulated for optimal stability. Extended storage or adverse conditions such as higher temperature or higher humidity may lead to a higher dosage requirement.

Enzyme preparations are proteins, which may induce sensitization and cause allergic type reactions in sensitized individuals. Prolonged contact may cause minor irritation for skin, eyes or nasal mucosa, so any direct contiguity with human body should be avoided. If irritation or allergic response for skin or eyes develops, consult a doctor. 

Bakery Enzymes

Glucose Oxidase,Flour And Baking Enzyme,Baking Enzymes,Amylase For Baking

Sunson Industry Group Co., Ltd , http://www.sunsonchinaenzymes.com