The nutritional value of boiling water

Boiling water is water that is naturally cooled after boiling. (Other Sichuan folks also have pre-dinner desserts such as: stir-fried eggs, dumplings, and astragalus, known as drinking boiled water.) Boiling water not only quenches thirst, but also most easily promotes metabolism through cells, regulates body temperature, and increases The hemoglobin content in the blood promotes the body's immune function and improves the body's resistance to disease.

Warm boiled water can increase the activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the organ, and it is beneficial to reduce the "fatigue"--lactic acid accumulated in the muscle more quickly, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating fatigue and rejuvenating the spirit.

In addition, water also has physiological functions that are not found in substances contained in ordinary beverages. Human tissue and cell nutrients and metabolites operate in the body and require water as a carrier. Water can regulate body temperature so that body temperature does not fluctuate too much. Water is a lubricant that rubs between human tissues. Water has a strong solubility, a variety of inorganic and organic substances are easily soluble in water, the body of metabolic waste in the water easily removed to the outside, with bowel function.