Woman kidney kidney 8 diet medication side

Women may experience some signs and symptoms after natural menopause or loss of ovarian function due to other reasons, such as menstrual changes, facial flushing, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, depression, multiple concerns, emotional instability, irritability, and difficulty concentrating Such as collectively referred to as "menopausal syndrome", the presence and severity of symptoms often vary from person to person. The vast majority of women gradually adapt to this physiological stage without special treatment. Individuals with severe symptoms may be given appropriate treatment.

Most women have slower ovarian function, and the body's own regulation and compensation is sufficient to adapt to this change, or only mild symptoms. Chinese medicine believes that menopausal syndrome is caused by insufficient kidney qi, debilitating sensation, and imbalance of yin and yang. Therefore, in the treatment, to kidney qi, adjust the yin and yang as the main method. It is an unrighteous choice to adjust by medical diet. Here are 8 prescriptions.


Diet 1: Lily

Ingredients: 30 g medlar, 60 g lily, 2 egg yolks.

Practice: Add 1000 ml of water to gardenia and lily and cook until 300 ml. Then stir the yolk and pour it into the soup. Add sugar to taste and serve in 2 servings.

Rehmannia porridge

Diet 2: Zao Ren Yu

MATERIALS: Suanzaoren 30 grams ground, 30 grams of raw land, 100 grams of rice.

Practice: Zao Ren and habitat first water decoction juice 200 ml, add cooked rice porridge, 1 day service, should regular service.

Diet 3: Erxian mutton soup

Materials: 250 grams of mutton, 15 grams of epimedium, 10 grams of Curculigo, 10 grams of longan meat.

Practice: Wash the Curculigo, Epimedium, wrapped with gauze. Wash lamb and cut small pieces. Put all the ingredients together into the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, and then stir and cook for 3 hours. Drink with quantity.

Cordyceps Stew Chicken

Diet 4: Cordyceps Stew Chicken

Material: Cordyceps 10 grams, fresh chicken 250 grams.

Method: Add the chicken to the pan and add water. After boiling, remove the floating foam. Place the washed Cordyceps. Stew gently until the chicken is cooked. Eat meat and soup and take it in 2 servings. Winter clothing.

Gan Maiyin

Diet 5: Gan Maiyin

Practice; 30 grams of wheat, red dates 10, 10 grams of licorice.

Usage: The above materials are decocted with water. Daily morning and evening service once. Suitable for menopausal with hot flashes, sweating, irritability, depression, irritability, no looking, emotional, sad crying.

Diet 6: Red bean wolfberry dates porridge

Materials: 30 grams of red bean, barley, glutinous rice, and 10 red dates.

Usage: The above materials are eaten daily. 3 times a day. Applicable to menopause who have limb edema, loose skin, joint pain.

Chixiaodou squid soup

Diet 7: Red bean soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of red bean, one end of squid, right amount of onion, ginger and pepper.

Usage: soup, take 1 time a day. Treatment of climacteric idiopathic edema.

Diet 8: Guapi drink

Materials: Appropriate amount of watermelon rind and winter melon.

Usage: Jiantang drink on behalf of the tea, treatment of idiopathic idiopathic edema.