What do pregnant women eat?

Pregnant moms tend to change their tastes in their early diet. Many pregnant moms tend to be acidophilic. For example, green oranges can eat two pounds of rice, and picking up pickled fish all day long, and even seeing "This sour" advertising pictures can drool. Is "acidity" really ecstasy for pregnant women?

What is good for eating "acid" during pregnancy?

1, rich in vitamin C sour fruit


Many fresh melons contain sourness. This kind of food is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C can enhance the maternal resistance and promote the normal growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women who like to eat sour foods are better to use fresh fruits and vegetables with sour taste, such as tomatoes, green apples, oranges, strawberries, grapes, lemons, plums, and so on. It is also possible to place small amounts of vinegar and tomato sauce in foods. Some sour.

2, yogurt

Yogurt is high in nutritional value, rich in calcium, high-quality protein vitamins and carbohydrates, but also can help the body absorb nutrients for nutrient excretion. Some pregnant women think that yoghurt is fermented and made cold, so it is not daring to drink. In fact, not only can you drink yogurt after pregnancy, but it is also very good. Yogurt is made by fermenting fresh milk with lactic acid bacteria. People who lack stomach acid eat yogurt to increase stomach acid to promote digestion.

Which "acid" is best to eat during pregnancy?

1. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is an acidic food. For those who like to eat sour, it is actually a gourmet food, especially when it comes to the sale of candied cucurbits. When you hear it, you can drool. In fact, hawthorn is not suitable for pregnant women to eat, and its stimulation of the uterus is quite large and can stimulate its contraction, which may cause miscarriage and so on. Including hawthorn products, although the hawthorn content is not too high, it is still not recommended for consumption, such as hawthorn drinks, or canned hawthorn.

Pickled sauerkraut and kimchi

When pregnant women are not eating too much or have no appetite, they can choose to eat their own pickled sauerkraut or kimchi to improve their appetite. Of course, don't eat too much. The marinated food itself has no nutritious ingredients other than good taste and digestion. However, note that because pickles are inherently salty foods, and if they are not marinated, there will be a large amount of nitrite, so when eating, be sure to note that if there is a white salt cream If it appears, it is not recommended to eat it again.

In terms of diet, there are many issues that pregnant women need to pay attention to. In general, we must grasp the following major principles:

1. Not suitable for high-calcium diet: pregnant women ingest high-calcium diet blindly, such as adding a large amount of calcium tablets, vitamin D, etc., harmful to the fetus. If daily foods such as dairy products, fish, meat, and eggs are reasonably ingested, calcium supplements need to be prescribed.

2. Not suitable for high-fat diet: High-fat foods can increase the synthesis of prolactin, promote breast cancer, and adversely affect maternal and child health.

3. Should not be high-protein diet: pregnant women daily protein requirements should reach 90 to 100 grams. A high-protein diet that exceeds this value can affect the appetite of pregnant women, increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and affect the intake of other nutrients, leaving dietary nutrients out of balance.

4. should not be high sugar diet: sugar metabolism in the human body will consume a lot of calcium, lack of calcium during pregnancy will affect fetal teeth, bone development.

5. Should not be too salty: pregnant women over-salty foods can easily trigger pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, therefore, experts recommend that pregnant women daily salt intake should be about 6 grams.

6. Should not be too acidic diet: If the mother's large intake of acidic drugs or other acidic substances during the early pregnancy, may affect the normal division and proliferation of embryonic cells and developmental growth, and easy to induce genetic mutations, resulting in fetal malformations.

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