Decompression storage and high pressure preservation

The method is to put the fruit in a closed storage room, pump most of the air with a vacuum pump, reduce the internal pressure to about 10 kPa, resulting in a low oxygen environment (the oxygen concentration can be reduced to 2%), partial pressure of ethylene and other gases Decrease accordingly and maintain a constant low pressure during storage. The temperature is 1- 18°C ​​and the relative humidity must be above 95%. The following advantages are provided for the storage under reduced pressure: reducing the concentration of oxygen, the respiration intensity of fruits, and the rate of ethylene production; the ethylene released from fruits is removed at any time, eliminating factors that promote maturation and aging; carbon dioxide, acetaldehyde, and ethanol released from fruits are excluded. Ethyl acetate, etc., have a reduction in physiological diseases. However, the investment in the construction of large-scale decompression and storage facilities is relatively large. This method is currently in the stage of large-scale testing.
High-pressure preservation technology is a patent issued by the United States in 1992. The principle is to apply a pressure from the outside to the inside of the storage, so that the atmospheric pressure outside the storage is higher than its internal vapor pressure, forming a sufficient positive pressure difference from the outside to the inside. This method can avoid the loss of vitamins and other nutrients caused by high temperatures, maintaining the original flavor of the fruit. As the general pressure rises to 2500-4000 atmospheres, enzymes in the organism are inactivated and cannot function, and various microorganisms are also killed. Positive pressure can also prevent fruit moisture and nutrients from diffusing outwards, slowing the respiration rate and maturation rate, so it can effectively prolong the fruit's storage period. However, due to the difficulties in manufacturing high-voltage equipment that can handle large quantities of fruit, this technology has not yet been applied in production.

MAGIK Lift Series are made of  PDO (Polydioxanone), it is a thread with no cones, thus no damage to the tissue. This is the same thread used in Cardiac and other surgeries as sutures, and thus it is very safe.

Aging causes the skin tissue to be thin because the collagen and elastin fibre`s break down, which results in sagging skin, deep creases, folds and wrinkles. PDO Thread reverses the effects of aging.

Threads are implanted into the sub-dermal skin and stimulate the production of collagen and the skin becomes firmer, elastic and moisturised. The thread dissolves itself in couple of months but the effect last for 12-18 months.

The thread can be applied to anywhere on the body, such as a flabby face, cheeks, eyebrows, to prevent eye bags, sagging neck skin, fine lines around Cheeks, angle around the mouth, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen, smokers lines and lifting of breast.

PDO Thread

PDO Thread,PDO Cog Threads,PDO Screw Thread,PDO Single Hread

Dermax Technology Limited ,