Wheat Seedling Disease Control (1) Wheat Sheath Blight

The yellowing and dead seedlings appeared in the seedling stage of wheat, and root rot and white panicles appeared in the middle and late stages, and a large part of this was due to the infection of the wheat during the seedling stage. In the production of wheat, we should pay attention to disease prevention and control. If you miss the appropriate period of prevention and treatment, it is difficult to control the disease and the control of the disease is often unsatisfactory. The planting version has launched a series of reports on “Disease Control of Wheat Seedling Stage” starting from this issue, focusing on the symptoms, occurrence patterns, and prevention and control methods of diseases such as wheat sheath blight and Shoving mosaic disease, for reference by readers. In recent years, wheat sheath blight has become common in our province. The disease can show symptoms such as rotten buds, rotten stalks, dry booties, and withered white spikes in each wheat growth period, which has a great impact on the yield. Early sowing and high density of wheat in Huaibei area are the recurrence areas of sheath blight. Wheat sheath blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis. Wheat can be affected at each growth stage, and it mainly damages the plant leaf sheath and culm, and the symptoms are obvious after jointing. At the beginning of the disease, brown fusiform lesions were produced on the leaf sheath near the ground. The center was light brown or grayish white. Afterwards, it gradually enlarged and expanded to the stalk, and the color became darker. The basal stalks of severe diseased plants turned black and rotted in 1 to 2 knots, often appearing. Early death. During the middle and late stages of wheat growth, mottled irregular lesions appeared on the leaf sheath, and the entire leaf sheath was severe when it was severe, causing leaf sheaths and leaves to fall early. White mycelium is sometimes seen between the leaf sheaths and stems of the diseased part. When the air is wet, small yellowish brown or yellowish-brown moldy clusters are scattered on the surface and gradually become brown to form sclerotia. Rhizoctonia stem disease and the base of the leaf sheath are usually damaged. The hand-pulled seedlings often break the base of the seedlings and cannot pull up the roots.
Rhizoctonia solani was borne by sclerotia or mycelia in soil, and there was a peak of infestation in winter and spring. The development of diseases in the field can be divided into four stages: the pre-winter occurrence period, the overwintering green rising period, the jointing and booting period, and the stable grain filling period. The number of diseased plants increased at the time of emergence and emergence of wheat. Diseases ceased to develop when the average daily temperature was below 3°C, and the diseased strains passed the winter. In the spring of the following year, the average temperature increases above 8°C, and the lesions rapidly expand laterally and vertically at 12 to 18°C. When the temperature was higher than 20°C in late May, the wheat entered the late filling stage, and the stalk tissue was aging. The disease spot stopped expanding and the disease condition stabilized. The occurrence of wheat sheath blight is related to the sowing density and temperature in autumn and winter. Pre-winter temperatures are high and it is rainy, which is conducive to infestation. The incidence of autumn seedlings is high. Rainy days in spring and high humidity in the field are conducive to the spread of germs. The speed of disease development and prevalence depend on the temperature, rainfall, and rainy days in March-April.
Last year, the density of wheat sown in our province was larger, the temperature in autumn was higher, and the amount of growth before winter was large, which was conducive to occurrence of sheath blight. Returning to the green jointing stage is the best time to control the wheat sheath blight, and spraying Jinggangmycin and triadimefon can be used to prevent and cure it at this stage. Spring wheat till the end of joint till the middle of jointing (mid-to-late March). When the rate of sheath blight is 15%, use 20% triamcinone EC 150ml or 5% Jinggangmycin 150-150ml/mu, add water 50~ 60 kg spray. Severely affected fields will be controlled once every 7-10 days. In addition, the prevention and treatment of the disease should also pay attention to increasing organic fertilizer and reasonable formula fertilization, pay attention to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, to avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, while the spring green fertilizer instead of jointing fertilizer application; to prevent waterlogging, open drainage ditch, Exclude water in the field in time and reduce humidity.

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