Litchi chinensis

A larger family of dicotyledons in the Magnolia subclass. Most herbs, few for small shrubs or woody vines. The main roots of most plants wilted early and a whisker-like adventitious root emerged from the stem base. Leaves simple or compound, alternate or basal, thinly opposite; leaf veins palmate, thinly pinnate. Cymes or cymules composed of various inflorescences, thin racemes. The flower is in the lower position, radiation symmetry, and diffusively symmetrical. Sepals green or petal-shaped; various colors. Petals do not exist or exist, exist in various colors, or specialize in the secretion of organs of various shapes to attract insects. Stamens spirally arranged, mostly numerous, scarce; filaments mostly narrowly stripe, with a longitudinal vein, dilute to oblong lamellae, anthers sometimes born at the proximal margins on both sides of the filaments (Cynophyllum); pollen 3 furrows, rare divergent furrows (some species of the genus Cimicifuga, anemone, genus of the genus Uralaria) or loose holes (some species of the genus Ranunculus and Clematis, Thalictrum and Poppy). Chromosome base x=6,7,8,9,12.

There are about 60 genera and 2200 species of undergraduates, which are distributed all over the world. Most of them are in the north temperate zone. China has 39 genera, about 720 species, widely distributed throughout the country, and most of them are distributed in the southwestern mountains. There are five endemic genera in China: Tailweed, Asteraceae, Unicorn, Poppy and Ranunculus. Flowers usually stamens first. Undergraduate plant petals of various special forms are adapted to insect pollination. In the apetal clematis and Thalictrum genus, pollination is often achieved by pollen feeding insects for food. Some of the evolutionary species of the genus Thalassia (such as the filamentous filaments and the stigma of the genus Austria, etc.) may adapt to wind pollination. The achenes of Pulsatilla and Clematis have persistent featherlike styles that adapt to wind propagation. Some species of the genus Thalassonia and Anemone (such as T. undulatus, T. alfonsii, T. arborescens), and the persistent style of the achene are long and curved in hooks. Some species of the genus Cinnamomum (such as thorn fruit) Ranunculus), achene with thorns, are adapted to animal transmission. In Cimicilla and Aconitum, the seeds have membranous wings and adapt to wind propagation.

Undergraduate plants contain a variety of chemical constituents. There are about 220 species of plants available for medicinal purposes in China. Among them, Huanglian, Aconite, Cimicifuga, Chuanmutong are traditional Chinese medicines with a long history. Trollixant-hin and some flavonoids are the flowers of the genus Trollius, which have anti-inflammatory effects and can treat tonsillitis and laryngitis embolism. Cimicifolia contains unique tetracyclic triterpene derivatives (cimigenol) and furanoic ketone compounds (cimicifugin, etc.), which have antipyretic effects and release detoxification. Aconitum and delphinium are highly toxic diterpenoid alkaloids, many of which have important medicinal values, such as aconitine, which has local anesthetic effects. Acconine and hypaconitine have analgesic, sedative and antipyretic effects. Thalictrum contains various benzylisoquinoline alkaloids such as thalicar-pine, thalidasine, and obaegine, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Buck and other effects. Coptis is rich in alkaloids such as berberine and coptisine. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and dilated blood vessels. The underground part of the star fruit genus also contains berberine and other compounds, as a substitute for Coptis in Guangxi. Pulsatilla and anemone contain ranunculin, and the protoanemonin produced after hydrolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycoside has strong antibacterial activity. Rhizomes of various plants of Pulsatilla have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Can cure bacterial or amoebic dysentery. Clematis is a compound containing rancid glycosides and triterpene saponins. The woody stalks of this genus are commonly used for traditional Chinese medicine Chuanmu, which has a diuretic effect. Some types of roots are used for clematis and have rheumatic effects. Ranunculus is rich in racium glycosides, and some species (such as Ranunculus, Shilong) can be used for the treatment of some diseases in freshly crushed topical medicine; the root of cat's claw grass can treat lymphatic tuberculosis. Side marigolds contain five-membered unsaturated endolipid-type cardiac glycosides, such as adotropoxin. Its aglycones are adoconixigen-in, which has cardiac and diuretic effects. As undergraduate plants contain a variety of toxic chemical components, many species (including many medicinal plants) are poisonous plants, such as breaking flower bowls, sunflowers, etc. These plants can be used as soil pesticides to control pests and diseases of some crops. Many species in the Ranunculaceae family (such as Aconitum, Delphinium, Aquilegia, Clematis, Anemone, Trollius, Ranunculus, etc.) have beautiful flowers that can be seen.

Ranunculaceae is one of the original families of angiosperms. Its stamens are inferior, and the carpels are divided, often arranged in a large number and arranged spirally. The endosperm is abundant and the embryos are small, similar to the magnoliaceae. However, most of the undergraduate plants are herbaceous plants. There are no stipules on the leaves, pollen has more than 3 germination holes, and the catheter molecule has a single perforation plate, but the magnoliaceae is evolved. According to the morphology and number of chromosomes, as well as the characteristics of petals and fruits, undergraduates can be divided into 3 subfamilies and 12 families:

Helleboroideae perennial or annual herbaceous; carpels with numerous or few ovules; ?, thin berries or pods; large chromosomes, rare and small (Koruna), x=6,7,8; with magnolia Caustic alkaloids and other alkaloids, non-aromatic glycosides (except for iron chopsticks). There are five groups: Tro-llieae, Calathodeae, Cimicifugeae, Helleboreae, and Delphineae.

Thalicicideae (Thalictroideae) Perennial or annual herbaceous; carpels numerous or an ovule; or achene; chromosome small, x=7,8,9; contains alkaloids such as magnoflorine, does not contain muscarine. There are 5 families: Isopyreae, Thalictreae, Asteropyreae, Kingdonieae and Cop-tideae.

Ranunculoideae Herbs, small shrubs or woody vines; carpels divided, with one ovule; achenes, dilute berries (knowltonia genus); chromosomes are mostly large, x=7,8,12; , without the exception of alkaloid side calendula). There are two groups: Anemoninae and Ranunculeae.

Undergraduate representatives are:

There are about 350 species of Aconitum, one of the major genera of Ranunculaceae, distributed in the north temperate zone, mainly in Asia. There are more than 170 species in China, which are widely distributed throughout the country and are mostly distributed in the southwestern mountains. Flowers are symmetrical. Five petaloid sepals were differentiated into one helmet-shaped epithelium, two rounded lateral sepals and two oblong diarrhea. 2 petals are hidden in the upper eyelid and have long claws. The petals are small and there is a secretory tissue at the top. The rooted species is rich in aconitine and other alkaloids, which are used medicinally. The most famous is Aconitum, widely distributed in the low mountain areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The stem height is about 1 meter and the leaf palms are full. crack. Inflorescences terminal, flowers open in autumn, blue-purple, very beautiful, its roots into the medicine, the main root (mother) after processing called "Chuanwu", lateral roots (sub-roots) are called "Fuzi", can cure stroke, arrest pain Accumulation of epidemics. In addition, Aconitum kusnezoffii, A. spicatum, A. brachypodum, A. pendulum, A. flavum, and small white support (A.nagarum), Aconite, etc. are also used for medicinal purposes.

There are more than 300 species of Delphinium in the north temperate region and a few in Africa. There are 110 species in China. Except for Taiwan Province, other provinces and regions are distributed. Most of them are located in the southwestern mountains. This genus is very similar to Aconitum. Its distinguishing feature is that it is spurred on its upper leaves and the petals are claw-free. On the both sides of the stamen, there is a petal-like staminode with claws (there is usually a tuft of hairs in the middle of the petals). This species has a variety of flowers that are blue or purple, and often have long distances, which resemble birds and are beautiful. In China, only delphinium is cultivated for ornamental use. Delphinium is very similar to this genus, but 2 petals are united, no staminosta, only 1 carpel (3 to 5 in this genus). Unlike this genus, about 40 species are produced in southern Europe and western Asia. Along the way, cultivated delphinium in China is cultivated in southern Europe and southwest Asia.

About 200 species of Thalictrum are distributed in Asia, Europe, North and South America and Africa. There are about 67 species in China, which are widely distributed throughout the country and are mostly distributed in the southwestern mountains. This species is a variety of plants (such as multi-leaf Tall pine grass, gold silk tail, etc.) contain berberine, can be used on behalf of the yellow. Some other species (such as T. grandis, T. arundinacea, T. sibiricus, T. arundinacea) are also used for medicinal purposes, and have functions such as detoxification and detoxification. The white-winged T. arundinacea and the beautiful T. edulis have beautiful purple flowers that make up a large-scale panicle, which has long been cultivated as an ornamental treasure in the world.

The monophyllous species is only one kind of uniflora, located on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is located between Deqin in northwestern Yunnan and northwestern Sichuan, in the south of Gansu, and in the southern Taibai Mountains in southern Shaanxi. It was born between 2,750 and 3,900 meters above sea level. , alpine rhododendron shrubs and spruce forests or fir forests. It is a perennial herb with slender rhizomes. Its nodes have a leaflet. Each year, 1 (~2) long-handled leaves and a calyx are produced from the buds at the top of the rhizome. Palmately divided, with open dichotomous branchlets; flowers small, ca. 1 cm in diam., calyx apical, yellowish green, sepals 5, with more than a dozen staminodes and fertile stamens, centrally 3 to 7 meristem bearing carpels, each with a pendulous, straight ovule. The nucleus veins of the leaves are similar to those of the gymnosperms Ginkgo biloba and some ferns. They are rare phenomena in angiosperms. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of many scholars, and some scholars have isolated the monocotyledonous family Ranunculaceae to establish an independent Kingdoniaceae (Kingdoniaceae) based on the characteristics of leaf veins and the characteristics of leafy nodes in the underground stem section.

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