Overfeeding of toddlers during weaning

After 4 months, as the child grows up, the amount and quality of milk produced by the mother cannot meet the needs of children's growth and development. Therefore, a series of supplementary instruments must be added to supplement the nutrition. On the other hand, as children get older, they must also slowly withdraw from the milk-based diet to the average family diet, that is, they must go through the weaning process. Inappropriate dietary arrangements during the weaning period are often an important cause of malnutrition and frailty in young children (Chinese medicine is called milk thistle), so parents should attach great importance to the selection of instruments during this period. It is generally not possible to abruptly break the energy and let the baby have a process of adaptation. As the digestive and digestive functions of children are improving day by day, they can try to feed the appropriate baby food supplements. The amount varies from small to large, from one to many, from fine to coarse, and eventually the natural milk is cut off to eat the normal diet.

The food that is morally fed to infants during the weaning period is rice cereal (thin rice porridge or rice noodles can be prepared). It can be started from the fourth month after birth and fed with a spoon because the function of digestion and absorption of starch in infants is already More complete. Rice contains better protein and less allergic reactions than wheat, so rice products should be used as the first choice of supplementary food. Starting from 1-2 spoons a day, if there are no adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc., you can gradually increase to about half a bowl, depending on the size of the baby's stomach. It can be cooked either from home rice or from commercially available baby rice flour or dairy cake. It is best to use infant rice powder that strengthens calcium, vitamins A, B, C, D and trace elements such as iron and zinc. Because babies need to increase these nutrients after 4 months, anemia and rickets can be avoided to ensure their healthy growth. If daily supply of vitamin A1000 international unit, vitamin D400 international unit, and calcium 600 mg in rice flour can meet the needs of children, there is no need to take calcium powder and cod liver oil or vitamin A, D preparation separately.

After the baby is very accustomed to eating cereal paste, you can try to feed the egg yolk, fish paste, vegetable puree, etc., feed it alone or mix it into the rice paste and feed it. Use one kind of instrument and then try another. 6-7 months after the test, feed the steamed egg and batter. After 8-9 months, try to feed meat mud and liver paste. Then try to feed minced meat, chicken powder, minced fish, chopped vegetables, noodles, thick porridge, and rotten rice. Wait.