What are the main points of primrose conservation?

Primula flowers prefer warm, moist and well-ventilated environment, avoid hot, more shade-tolerant, cold-tolerant and fat-tolerant, and should grow in sandy loam with loose soil and humus. The main points of conservation are:

1 After the seedlings have been unearthed and grow to 5 true leaves, they should be transplanted in a small flower pot with a caliber of 10 cm, and a small amount of bone meal or cooked-cake cake should be applied to the pelvic floor. When the seedling grows to a certain height, it is planted in a 16 cm diameter flowerpot.

2 potted soil should use 7 pieces of rot-leaf, 3 pieces of garden soil, and apply a small amount of basal fertilizer culture soil.

3 when the upper basin should pay attention to appropriate shade, about 10 to 15 days after the slow seedlings, apply a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer. Watering during the growth period must be dry and wet to avoid water accumulation in the basin.

4 After flowers and flowers are cut off, the residual flowers are cut off in a timely manner, and 1 to 2 thin fertilizers are applied to facilitate the growth of the new flowering branches.

5 Primrose seedlings are vulnerable to damping-off, causing seedlings to rot and die, and attention should be paid to early prevention and treatment.


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