Apple Garden Management Techniques from Post-harvest to Post-Frozen

Apple orchards can only achieve the purposes of high yield, high quality, and high efficiency only by strengthening the management of each period. Therefore, strengthening the management of orchards after harvesting until the soil is frozen can not be ignored. The management techniques in this period mainly include:

1. Photosynthesis of leaf after spraying fertilizer fruit is still in progress. To delay leaf shedding and senescence, increase tree nutrient and stock, promote the further development of flower buds, in order to increase the annual output, can be sprayed in time 0.5 % urea or trace elements once.

2. The control of pests and diseases immediately after spraying a fungicide and insecticide, which can effectively prevent leaf disease, reduce the early fall of leaves, improve the photosynthetic efficiency. In addition, in the late autumn, we must promptly check for rot disease and promptly and thoroughly cure the disease. After scraping, disinfect with 1% copper sulfate or Baume 5 degree lime sulfur. The diseased orchard, after falling leaves in November, sprayed the whole tree with 40% Formamide 100-200 times, eradicating the overwintering germs.

3. Autumn and winter pruning The main objects of autumn pruning are the dense and strong auxiliary branches in the canopy, upright branches without space for growth (the space can be flattened) and the long and slender branches after the results, which are properly eradicated or recovered after harvesting. Shrinking, this will not only improve the light conditions within the canopy, promote photosynthetic production and accumulation, but also allow the wounds to heal easily and reduce the lengthy phenomenon of branches in the following year.

4. The role of deep turning and soil deepening is to improve the physical properties of deep soil, increase the number of microorganisms and increase the activity capacity, and promote the transformation of the original nutrients in the soil. Deep turning combined with the application of a large amount of organic fertilizers can improve the soil, improve fertility, and create favorable conditions for root growth. Therefore, it is particularly important to carry out deep-turning and soil reform in orchards with a hard, low organic matter content. After fruit-picking, the soil is deep-swept and the root-cut wounds are easily healed, and new roots are prone to occur. Therefore, it is necessary to seize the time. The method is to dig deep trenches of 80 to 100 cm in width and 50 to 70 cm in width from the outer edge of the planting hole. The surface soil and organic fertilizer are mixed and filled into the trenches to fill the surface with subsoil.

5. Autumn Schiff base fertilizer is a basic fertilizer that provides fruit nutrients over a longer period of time. Basal fertilizer is dominated by farmyard fertilizers, supplemented by chemical fertilizers. Farmyard manure is manure, circulatory fertilizer, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, straw fertilizer, cake fertilizer, etc., fertilizer has superphosphate, potassium chloride, urea, ammonium nitrate and so on. The amount of fertilization should be determined according to tree size, yield, tree vigor, and soil fertility. Generally 1 to 3 years old trees, Mushi soil manure 2500 kg, with the increase in age, the amount of fertilizer will increase. 6 to 10 years old apple planting garden, Mushi base fertilizer 2500 ~ 3000 kg with superphosphate 70 kg, 10 kg of pure nitrogen, potassium chloride 16.5 kg. In addition to deep fertilization, the fertilization method can be applied to young saplings in a circular groove, and adult trees can be cast in strips or radial grooves.

6. Clean the orchard to clean up the litter, stones, weeds, etc. in the orchard to reduce overwintering pests and diseases.

7. The trunk with white coating has anti-freezing and anti-sunburn effects. Whitening agent method: 10 parts of quicklime, 1 part of sulfur powder, 10 parts of water, and appropriate amount of adhesive.

8. Filling the soil with frozen water Before the freezing, the whole garden shall fill the frozen water once to meet the needs of the fruit trees for soil moisture in winter.

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