The biological characteristics and cultivation management technology of melon

Melon is native to southern China and India. Adaptability, easy cultivation, high yield and stable production, storage and transportation, long supply period. Tender melons and ripe melons are available for food, but also can be preserved into candied fruit, made into melon slices, candy, or dehydrated and dried. Seeds and peels can be used for medicinal purposes. They have the function of relieving summer heat and heat, especially in summer and autumn. Food can diuretic and thirst-quenching, and provide the most vegetables for summer and autumn in the south of the country.
First, the biological characteristics of wax gourd annual plant. Strong roots, strong branches; leaves large, palmate. Flower unisexual, monoecious. The first female flower, early maturing, is born between the main vines 6-7 leafhoppers, and the late-maturing seeds are between 12-15 junctures. The fruit is very large, with oblate, cylindrical or long cylindrical, single fruit weight, small species 2.5- 5 kg, large species 15-20 kg, the largest of more than 30 kg. The skin is light green or dark green, the surface is covered with white powder, there is no white powder, and the skin is hard. Seeds yellowish white, ribbed or ribbed. Generally, there are large seed grains, although the fruit is large, the flesh is thin, and the microstrip is sour; the grain with no edge is small, the flesh is thick, and the microstrip sweetness.
Sexual warmth, heat and moisture, a certain degree of endurance to the drought, the temperature can still grow well above 35 °C, fertility temperature is 18-32 °C. Extremely sensitive to low temperatures, frozen below 5 °C. Is a short-day plant, but most varieties are not sensitive to sunlight. Melon root system is developed, lush stems and leaves, evaporation, water demand, especially after fruiting, requiring adequate water and fertilizer. Wide adaptability to soil, sandy loam to clay can be cultivated. It is best to drain well on sandy soil with thick soil layer. In this kind of soil, the roots develop well and the result is early, but the growth period is short. On the clay soil, the melon flesh is thick and has a strong taste and high yield.
Second, the variety winter melon can be divided into small fruit and large fruit according to the fruit size. According to the fruit type is divided into round melon, flat melon and pillow melon three categories, this skin color is divided into pink or green melon.
1, small melon male flowers appear early, low flowering stage, after the continuous occurrence of female flowers, each plant more than melon (4-8), melon-shaped small, single fruit weight 1.5-2.5 kg, about 5 kg, melon Flat round, round or tall round. Suitable for early ripening, eat tender melons. Seeding until early harvest about 110-130 days. Such as Chengdu, Sichuan five leaves, Hangzhou round melon (lantern melon), Shaoxing small melon, Anhui early melon, Suzhou snow Liqing, Beijing bells a melon, Nanjing swarms.
2, large female melons appear late, with rare raw, medium and late cooked. Melon, single fruit weight 7.5-15 kg, larger than 25-30 kg, high yield, thick flesh, fruit was long cylindrical, short cylindrical or oblate, peel green-green. White wax powder or no white powder, from sowing to early harvest about 140-150 days to eat mainly cooked melon, storage and transportation. Varieties include Guangdong Qingpi melon, Jiangmen grey melon, Changsha melon, Zhuzhou Longquan melon, Wuhan melon pillow melon, Guangxi Yulin big gourd, Yunnan Sangzi melon melon, Yuxi melon, Chongqing melon melon, Chengdu climb melon, pink melon , Jiangxi Yangzizhou melon, Kunming Prince Edward melon.
Third, soil cultivation melon melon roots, long growth period, high yield, require fertilizer and water. The land should be ploughed and sun-dried as early as possible to promote loose weathering of the soil and enhance the ability to absorb fertilizer and water. Before and after Ching Ming, combined with site preparation for basal fertilization, the application of 5000 kg of mud and 2500-3000 kg of manure per mu, and 15-20 kg of superphosphate as basal fertilizer should be used to form a sorghum with a depth of 28-33 cm to facilitate drainage during the rainy season. Drought irrigation.
Fourth, sowing melon seedlings require a higher temperature, sowing not too early. Early-maturing cultivation in the Yangtze River valley and southwestern China uses cold beds. Seedlings are planted from late February to early March (rainwater to convulsions) and planted from late March to late April. The first female flower in early sowing has a low node and early flowering. Guadu; Late-maturing seedlings were transplanted in the open field from late April to early May. The winter wax gourd in South China is divided into spring wax gourd and summer wax gourd. The spring wax gourd should be sown in open field from early February to early March (early spring to convulsions); summer and winter melon should be sown in early July (small heat end) so that the fruit growth and development are at higher temperature conditions. Next to increase production.
Wax gourd seeds germinate slower and unearthed, so choose full seeds, soak in cold water for 24 hours or soak in warm water at 50°C for 10 minutes, keep stirring, let stand for 10 hours after natural cooling, remove and wrap with wet cloth , placed in a pot, covered with warm cloth insulation, placed at 25-30 °C temperature germination, wash with warm water once a day sooner or later, after 5-6 days after the dew can be planted, sowing methods and cucumber similar. The melon seedling period requires higher temperature than the cucumber seedlings. The seedbed should maintain a bed temperature of 25-30°C. After 7-8 days of emergence, the seedlings require more fertilizer and water. At noon, when the leaves of the melon seedlings are chlorosis, they can be watered once. - When 2 true leaves are transplanted into the nutrient pods, they are placed in a cold bed to grow large seedlings, and 4-5 true leaves are planted.
V. Cultivation Management
1. Cultivation methods and reasonable close planting The yield per unit area of ​​wax gourd depends on the number of planted plants, the number of individual plants and the number of individual fruits. Reasonable close planting is the use of different varieties, different cultivation methods and different seasons to regulate the relationship among the three to achieve high and stable yield. If the scaffolding is more dense than the climbing ground, the planting period of the autumn plants is shorter than that of the spring planting; the small melons have many results and the melons are small, and the yield per unit area depends on the number of the plants and the number of the individual plants, and should be planted in dense plants. In order to increase production. Large-sized melons have a large number of fruits and have a small number of results. They should be planted in sufficient quantities to ensure individual production in order to achieve individual production, in order to achieve high yields. At present, the cultivation methods vary from place to place, but generally there are the following types:
(l) Climbing ground winter gourds are generally two-and-three-meter wide, one for each group. A small ridge was formed on the opposite side of each pole. Each row was planted with a spacing of 66 cm. Two rows of vines spread to the middle of two pods, with about 400 cultivars per acre. The early growth of wax gourd can be interplanted in wheat field or cabbage field or interplanting with early-maturing soybeans and dwarf short-term vegetables, which will help change the microclimate, protect the wind and warm the land and improve the land utilization rate. Its advantage is that it can save labor, but the output is low.
(2) Shedded melon and early waxed small melons for early results, using single vine pruning to increase the density of planting, the upper shed after the vines allowed to extend its shed growth, ventilation and light transmission than climbing the sweet potato, the fruit set rate is high, but basically still Use plane area. Not conducive to dense planting. The scaffolding height should be 2 meters.
(3) small frame melon melon small melon planting with single vine pruning, high planting degree, pod width of 2 meters, planting two rows, spacing 66 cm, leaving 1-2 fruit per plant, its a lot of scaffolding, such as Hangzhou and Changsha, Hunan, "one dragon", each erected a pile, in the height of 1.4 meters with a bamboo sticks fixed. Shanghai's suburbs are known as “heroes,” and Guangdong has “Samung Drum Dragon” or “Four Star Drum Dragon”. That is, each plant inserted three or four bamboo rafts, the upper part of the zigzag together, and with bamboo sticks fixed.
(4) Tomato interplanting winter melons A high-yield cultivation method in Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places has been promoted and applied in various places. When interplanting: 1 use early-maturing tomatoes and late-maturing winter melons (such as green melon); 2 timely interplanting, rational close planting: the main tomato pods width 1.45 meters wide planting two rows, plant spacing 28 cm, 3000 per acre, planting in late March , from May to July harvest, per mu 4000-5000 kg; vice for melon. In mid-April, plants were planted on the side of the planter, each row was planted on a row, and the distance was 1.5 meters, with two plants per hole. The melon vine spread on shelves and stretched to both sides. 400-500 strains were planted per acre, and they were collected in July and harvested in early August. 3000-4000 kg per mu. This will greatly increase the land utilization rate and provide a new way to solve the summer light wax gourd production.
2. After cultivating soil by cultivators, the cultivars will plant cultivating soil after 7-10 days of cultivating soil and timely cultivating the soil before or after the application of fertilizer to prevent soil compaction. On the gourd festival, the adventitious roots are easy to grow. When the vine grows to 33-66 cm, it is timely harvested with interplanting vegetables, deep cultivating once, combined with the base, so that the vine spreads the pods evenly, and the above pressure is determined on the vines. After 2-3 times pressure vines, every 3-4 knots pressure a soil block, promote vines adventitious roots, to increase the absorption of fertilizer and water capacity, and can prevent vines are blown by the wind, causing flowering and fruit drop.
3, scaffolding hang vines and whole vines to ride melon, generally using single vine pruning only to stay in the main vine, timely removal of side vines, when the vine grows more than 66 cm, each plant a bamboo vine, first to melon vines around Circle, with clods on the vines to suppress, to promote the growth of adventitious roots, increase the ability to suck fertilizer, after the upper part of the vine lead to the shelf tied every 30 cm tied once. Small melons, early maturing, the results early and more, each plant has 2-4 melons; large late-maturing species, each plant has 1-2 melons, and the big melons. Such as Guangdong Qingpi, the main ranch within 23 knots of the first female flower rate is low, stunting, is not easy to grow up, generally should stay in the main vines second or four melons (about 23-25), the largest melon, yield highest. To leave 2 melons in the middle and late July to early August, when the first batch of melons was basically picked, and the second melon was covered, leave 8-10 leaves in the upper part to make a topping, reduce nutrient consumption, and promote leaf fertilizer and melon. Big and high output.
4, to prevent falling flowers, grass mats melon early spring low temperature, too much rain during the rainy season or soil barren nutrient deficiency, and poor pollination, can cause falling flowers, fruit commonly used measures are:
(l) Artificial Pollination Flowering on the stigma of the male flower at 8:00 am on the day of flowering, each male flower can be pollinated with 3-4 female flowers, so that fruiting rate can be improved in the rainy season.
(2) Smear stalks with auxin 2,4-D (20-30 ppm) or spray with "Ethephon" 300 ppm at seedling stage (4 leaves). Climbing the sweet potato when the fruit grows and weighs 1.5-2 kg, use wheat straw and rice straw mats to protect against rotten melon and underground pests. In July and August, the grass is used to cover the melons to prevent the sun from being exposed to the sun, and the rot of the sunburn disease and the sourness of the pulp will occur. When it is 4-5 kilograms in length, use a straw rope to cover the entire fruit or use a hemp hank and hang it on a melon rack to fix the fruit position so as not to break the vine.
6. Diseases caused by pests and diseases have wilt disease. Bordeaux liquid (water: copper sulphate: lime = 100:0.5:06-0.8) is sprayed from the seedling stage, and 800-1000 times of daioxan is 800-1000 times of carbendazim. If a diseased plant is found, remove it in time and spray carbendazim or lime in the hole to prevent spread. Insect pests have aphids and are sprayed with 1000-1500 times Dimethoate. Late hot and drought, prone to spider mites, lime sulfur solution can be sprayed.
7. Fertilizer and Water Management Wax gourd needs more fertilizer, and on the basis of applying base fertilizer, it is desirable to top-dress 6-7 times according to growth and development. Generally less before flowering, accounting for 30-40% of the total, the results of the early and mid-term accounted for 70-60% of the total. Its specific time, seedling period to recover 1-2 times seedling fertilizer, appropriate seedlings, promote root system developed, when the ranch length 33-50 centimeters, apply a dilute human excrement 500-1000 kilograms, less fertilization before flowering, to prevent leggy caused Falling flowers and falling fruit. When the first melon weighs about 0.5 kg when heavy, once heavy fertilizer, 1500-2000 kg per mu of manure, melon growth of 1.5-2 kilograms after the application of excrement about 2,500 kg per mu, superphosphate 15 kg. From the end of July to early August, the first batch of melons was harvested. It was at high temperature and drought in midsummer, and the light was strong, which was the important period for the growth of the second batch of melon or melon. At this time, the melon grows quickly, the melons are large, the meat is thick, the yield is high, and the supply is off-season. When the second melon is planted in late July, a heavy fertilizer is applied, and 2000-2500 kilograms of manure is used for the manure of Mushi, or chemical fertilizer 15- 20 kilograms, to the end of August, the basic construction of the autumn melon, and then make up the application of a melon fertilizer, fertilizer 10-15 kilograms per mu or 1000-1500 kilograms of manure, prompting the growth of melons.
VIII. Harvest early maturing type of small melon with tender fruit for harvesting at ripening stage, 40-50 days after planting, and melon harvesting. In June (summer solstice), early harvest of melon has 0.5-1 kg. This early harvest of melon, can promote melons continue to grow rapidly melon, one can receive 4-5 melons, to early August (Liqiu) can be harvested. The late maturing type large wax gourd is harvested after the ripening of the melon, 50-60 days after planting, and the melon is harvested in late July (great heat), the autumn melon is collected in the early August (early autumn), and the harvest is cut with scissors and cannot be pulled. Injury vines, gently pick and fruit, can not hurt. The yield per mu is 2000-2500 kg, and the late-maturing species is 4000-5000 kg.
When the seeds are reserved, the first melon is selected and the melons are well-formed, the two heads are the same, and the skin is sleek. The late-maturing seedlings are large in shape, straight and fleshy, and live in the middle of the vines. The melons are hypertrophic, and the melon stems fall into the melons. The background is dark green and the fur on the skin disappears (there is a layer of thick white powder on the skin of the seeds). After harvesting for one month to make it ripe, so that the seeds are enriched, the offspring grow well and produce more fruits. The melons can be cut open. Rinse the seeds and dry them for storage.

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