Ginger deep processing technology

I. Sugar ginger slices
1, raw material ratio fresh ginger 50 kg, 30 kg of white sugar, sugar 4 kg.
2, the production process will be fresh ginger cut into thin slices, add 40 kg of water into the pot to boil, remove and rinse, squeezed out of water. Then boil 11 kg of white granulated sugar and clean water in a pot, pour the ginger into a squeezed water, turn it up and down, boil for about 90 minutes, until the sugar is strong, and remove the beads when it drips. Finally, mix the powdered sugar and spread the sugar powder for 1 day, spread it to the finished product.
2. The ginger slices are dried and fresh ginger slices without buds are used. The hot ginger slices are heated for 5-6 minutes with boiling water. Each 100 kilograms of fresh ginger is smoked for about 5 minutes with 1.5 kg of sulfur, then washed with cold water and sent to the drying room for baking. Dry, the temperature of 65 ~ 70 °C is appropriate. During baking, the temperature should be gradually increased to prevent starch saccharification, degeneration and stickiness, affecting quality.
Third, sugar ginger
1, raw material ratio 100 grams of fresh ginger, 2 kg of salt, 13 kg of brown sugar.
2, the production process will be washed and peeled ginger, into the tank; then add salt 35 kg of water to boil, add brown sugar and mix well after cooling is bad juice, pour into the tank, bad juice to submerge ginger for the degree; Pickled for 1 month is finished product.


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