Depressurized and fat-reducing food

The purple skin of eggplant is rich in vitamin E and vitamin P, which is unmatched by other vegetables. Among them, vitamin P has the function of increasing capillary elasticity and improving microcirculation, and has certain preventive effects on patients with hypertension, arteriosclerosis and scurvy. The special substances contained in the eggplant fiber have the effect of lowering cholesterol. Therefore, eggplant is a good food for patients with hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Recommended dishes - garlic eggplant

Practice: 1 eggplant, washed, cut, placed in a bowl, directly into the steamer steamed for 20 minutes until Shulan, and then torn into strips by hand, add salt, garlic, vinegar and sesame oil salad consumption.

Celery lipid-lowering blood pressure depends on it

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Researchers at the University of Milan, Italy, used a substance contained in celery that promoted the accelerated decomposition and disappearance of fat, allowing subjects to lose 3600 to 4900 grams of body weight within 1 week by eating celery. The results showed that regular consumption of celery not only helps reduce blood fat and blood sugar, but also has the effect of preventing obesity, fatty liver and hypertension.

Recommended dishes - salad celery

Practices: Wash celery, shred, put it in a boiling pot and scald it immediately. Fresh ginger, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, salt, the amount, into the bowl into the sauce, pour on the celery silk, poured with sesame oil, mix well and serve.

Mushroom delicious lipid-lowering anti-cancer fungi

Modern studies have shown that purine, choline, tyrosine, oxidase and nucleic acid substances contained in mushrooms have the effects of lowering cholesterol and preventing cancer.

Recommended dishes - mushroom soup

Practice: 10 fresh mushrooms, add water and simmer for 15 minutes, add a little salt to taste. Taking an appropriate amount of this soup in the morning on an empty stomach helps to lose weight and eliminate excess fat. Hypertensive, hyperlipidemia, early cold patients can also use this soup diet.

Silage Wrap Film , also called silage Stretch Film,is the best and most advanced silage packing product on the farm in the world, which is produced by LLDPE and other metallocene material with blown technology for 5-layer film product. Silage Wrap packing film is applied in maize,whole-plant corn, alfalfa silage package field mainly.

We classify silage wrap films by its different width 750mm,500mm and 250mm for applications of different silage packaging machines in different countries and areas, or different colour,black , green and white in different sunshine area.


Silage Stretch Film`s Characteristics:


1: Functional film, special for protective performance

2: Good mechanism and stretch performance

3: Thickness even


Silage Film

Silage Film,Bale Wrap,Silage Wrap,Agriculture Stretch Film

Zibo Maoyang Industry and Trading Co.,ltd ,