Occurrence and control technology of damping-off melons

The damping-off disease is the main disease of the melon seedlings. In addition to the harmful melons, the eggplant vegetables are also susceptible to damping-off. The nursery period is the most common in protected areas, especially when the temperature is low and the soil moisture is high. This can cause bad seeds, rotting buds, and seedlings to stumble. The disease accounts for about 80% of seedling mortality. First, the symptoms of melon crops during the whole growth period can be disease, devastating disease for the seedling period. After the seeds germinate, the seedlings are damaged before they are unearthed, causing bad seeds and rotting buds. When the seedlings were excavated, the base of the seedlings showed water-stained yellow lesions, followed by yellowish-brown, contracted in a line, and lodging. The seedlings were pulled off and the disease developed rapidly. The cotyledons had not yet withered, and the seedlings suddenly fell to death. When the humidity is high, a layer of white cotton flocculent mycelium grows on the diseased area and the surrounding soil. In the late growth stage, the fruit was damaged, and the melon surface was stained with water spots. When the melons were bad, the melon rotted and the surface grew a layer of white flocculent mycelium, which was called cotton rot. Second, the pathogen and the incidence of disease damping-off disease is a fungal disease, caused by Pythium in the fungal Pythium infestation. The pathogen is highly saprophytic and can survive in the soil for a long period of time. Winters are caused by mycelium and oospore on diseased plant residues and in soil. In the second year, when the conditions are suitable, the oospore germinates, the bud tube is generated first, and then the apex of the bud tube expands to form sporangia and zoospore. Campylobacter sac can also be produced in the earth by living in a saprophytic rot in the soil to cause zooplankton infestation by zoospores. Germs spread by irrigation or rain. Low temperature, high humidity, soil containing more organic matter, the application of unfamed manure, etc., are conducive to disease. Poorly ventilated seedbeds, lack of light, and high humidity are not conducive to the growth and development of seedling root systems, and can easily induce the occurrence of damping-off. In the melon growth and maturity period, the field should strictly control the water, when watering, it is absolutely necessary to avoid flooding the fruits, otherwise the fruits and vegetables will rot and prone to cotton rot. Third, the prevention and control methods 1, a strict choice of nutritious soil. Use disease-free new soil, pond soil or paddy soil, do not use the old seedbed bed soil, garden soil or garden soil. 2, soil disinfection or medicine cover species. 15 days before planting, loosen bed soil, spray 40% formalin, use 30 ml per square meter of raw liquid, 2-4 liters of water, cover film after spraying, open after 4-5 days, and loosen Or use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 0.5 kg fine soil 100 kg, or 40% pentachloronitrobenzene WP 300 g fine soil 100 kg made of medicinal soil, covered with 1 cm thick after sowing. 3. Strengthen seedbed management. Use rapid seedlings to avoid the appearance of low temperature, high humidity environmental conditions. 4, pharmaceutical control. In the early stage of seedling disease, spray 64% antitoxic WP 500 times, or use 400 times copper ammonium mixture (1 part copper sulfate, 5.5 parts ammonium bicarbonate, and mix thoroughly for 24 hours. Take 1 part of the drug For 400 parts of water) spray or sprinkling seedbed, or spray 70% 800 grams of enemy pine, or spray 25% 600 grams of the methosulfuron (metalaxyl) 600-800 times, or spray 58% 600 times Ruixin manganese zinc Liquid, or spray 50% carbendazim 500 times, depending on the condition 7-10 days spray 1 time.

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