Sheep commonly used drugs - anti-parasitic drugs

(1) Sulfodidichlorophenol is also known as Bidding. Fight flukes and worms. This product is less toxic, safer to use, and the side effect is short-term diarrhea. The therapeutic amount was taken orally at 0.1 g/kg body weight. (2) Nitrochlorophenol is also known as Bayer-9015. Hepatitis tablets and trematodes. Low toxicity, safe to use. Oral dose of 3 grams per kilogram body weight. Intramuscular injection of 3-4 mg/kg body weight. (3) Trichlorfon This product is a broad-spectrum killing and anthelmintic, and has an effect on various insects and nematodes. Oral administration of many nematodes and nosefly larvae that can drive off gastrointestinal parasites. Therapeutic Dosage: 0.08-0.1 grams per kilogram body weight of sheep orally and 0.05-0.07 grams per kilogram body weight of goats. For external use, the treatment is 0.1-0.5% solution. Atropine or cholinesterase reactivating agents (phosphatidylcholine, clofloxacin, etc.) may be used for detoxification after the product is poisoned. (4) Levamisole This product is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and low-toxic anthelmintic. For worms other than whipworms of the gastrointestinal parasite, large lung nematodes are effective. Oral 5-10 mg when treated. (5) albendazole This product is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, can control various gastrointestinal tract nematodes, lung nematodes, liver fluke and aphids, therapeutic dose: oral administration, 12 mg per kilogram of body weight. (6) Copper sulphate is used for the control of Monizia striata, T. gracilis and Trichuris meliloti. Therapeutic dosage: oral 1% solution, 1-2 ml per kilogram of body weight. (7) Pesticide powder can kill various gastrointestinal nematodes and ectoparasites such as cockroaches, cockroaches and cockroaches. This product is an oral drug, the therapeutic dosage is 0.2g/kg body weight except parasites, 0.3-0.4g/kg body weight can kill the body surface parasites. (8) 20% of lindane emulsifiable concentrate, extermination carbendazim, 20% amitraz emulsifiable concentrate, deltamethrin, etc. all have a killing effect on the parasites on the body's surface, such as cockroaches, cockroaches, cockroaches, cockroaches, and blood-sucking insects. Therapeutic dosage: 20% of lindane EC is added with 400-600 times of water when it is in use, 0.2% is the concentration of commonly used drugs, which is used for drug solution or systemic spraying and rubbing; Rub 500 times diluted; 20% amitraz EC diluted 500 times for the bath or spray, rubbed; deltamethrin should be diluted to 60 mg / kg use. China Agricultural Network Editor