Meat Pigeon - Biological Characteristics

Although pigeons are poultry, their habits are different from other poultry. The pigeons have unique habits. Paired breeders often live in "one husband and one wife", and they are emotionally specific after pairing. They are not promiscuous as other poultry. The pigeon is a young bird that was newly hatched by a late adult bird. It has a weak body, cannot walk, does not feed, does not open its eyes (usually open at 3 days of age), and needs to be fed and protected by the pro pigeons. After the hatchlings hatched, they began to learn about foods about 1 day old. They could live independently from the hens around the age of 2 days. The temperament is good, like the gregarious pigeons do not have the habit of nesting in the tree, has always liked to live in groups, in addition to fighting for nests and courting caused a brief battle, generally can live in peace. Strong memory and fertility The pigeons have a strong memory, can produce a strong conditioned reflex, and at the same time have a high alertness. If the pigeon's nest box is disturbed by other animals, the pigeons will not return to their nests. Love cleaning, bathing pigeons like bathing very much, especially in hot weather. After bathing, it can clean feather skin. Bathing includes water bath and sun bath. Pigeons do not have high requirements for feed. They use plant materials such as cereals, beans, and corn as their feed, and they particularly like pellets. The pigeons do not have gallbladder and there is no cooked food habit. However, they can adapt to the full-price pellet feed after experiments. The pigeons are domesticated by wild pigeons for a long period of time. They have strong flying and identification abilities. China Agricultural Network Editor