How to avoid baby constipation for milk

The protein in the fresh milk is mainly casein, which forms a lump under the action of the baby's stomach acid and is not easily digested, causing the baby's stool to dry. Some baby's constipation can be severe, causing pain to the baby. Some people say that milk is the best food for calves. Human infants cannot naturally digest well. This statement is to some extent justified. Therefore, artificial feeding of milk with milk should be noted that fresh milk needs to be processed, ie boiled with a small amount of sugar to correct its deficiency. At the same time, we must feed more baby warm water, fruit juice and vegetable water. Some babies are very able to drink water and the chance of constipation is greatly reduced. Some food supplements such as purees and puree should also be added as early as possible.

Pay attention to juice not to use concentrated products, it is best to use their own fresh fruit processing, squeeze juice to add appropriate amount of warm water and a little sugar, and then give the baby to eat. The dish water can be chopped with fresh vegetables, add boiling water, filter the food residue, add a little salt or sugar according to the baby's taste, and then feed the baby.

If the baby is very difficult to defecate, you can inject 5 ml of anesthesia into the baby's anus to stimulate the baby's rectum to cause bowel movements. But this is only a last resort, it is best to avoid this happening, not to give the baby a variety of laxatives.