Medicinal plant leaf blotch

Symptoms Mint spot disease is also known as white spot disease. The main damage to the leaves, the leaves have a round to irregular dark green lesions, size 2-3mm, after the brown, the middle faded gray, with faded edges around the lesions, there are black spots on the lesions, that pathogenic bacteria Health, spores. Onset of heavy lesions around the leaf tissue yellowing, resulting in early leaves or leaves withered.

The pathogen Septoria menthicola Sacc. Et let. The spore of peppermint shell is a fungus belonging to the genus Aspergillus. The conidia are born on both sides of the leaf, scattered or connate, break through the epidermis, nearly spherical, diameter 83-102μm; spore-forming cells are bottle-shaped; conidia are colorless, needle-shaped, straight or slightly curved, the top is sharp The base is blunt, with 2-3 membranes, 25-371-1.5 (μm) in size.

Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The pathogens overwinter on diseased bodies with mycelia or conidia. In the following year, conidium spores were spread by wind and rain and expanded.

Prevention methods (1) rotation. (2) Remove the diseased body promptly after harvest to reduce the bacteria source. (3) Strengthen field management, drain water in a timely manner after rain, reduce the humidity in the field, and reduce the incidence. (4)Initial spraying begins with spraying 30% of green suspension suspension 400 times or 30% of copper oxychloride suspension 800 times, 1:1:160 times of Bordeaux mixture, 70% of thiophanate-methyl suspension concentrate 800 - 900 times liquid, every 7-10 days 1 time, continuous control 2-3 times. The drug was stopped 3 days before harvest.

The prevention and control methods are selected from Dajibai (green leaf white shell), big chicken yellow (yellow leaf white shell), big chicken green, flag leaf, silk worm, green stem leeks and other weather-resistant or cold-resistant varieties, which can reduce the incidence .

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