Pasture processing and utilization methods - silage

Silage is a simple, reliable and economical method that uses microbiological fermentation to preserve the nutritional characteristics of green and blue succulent feeds for a long time. It is an effective measure to ensure the balanced supply of green and succulent feed to livestock all year round. Silage smells sour, soft and juicy, with yellow-green color and good palatability. It is an excellent green and juicy feed for livestock in winter and spring.
Silage has been widely used in animal husbandry production around the world. In recent years, silage has developed rapidly and silage technology has been greatly improved. The semi-dry silage (low-moisture silage) was promoted in the silage method, and special silage methods such as formic acid, propionic acid, molasses, and grain were added, which significantly improved the silage effect and improved the silage quality. In terms of silage equipment, the development of large-scale silage towers, silage towers with anti-corrosion, rust-proof steel plate or hard plastic plate, the volume of 400-600 cubic meters, the silage process and access has been automated. As for the source of raw materials, the cultivated area of ​​silage crops has been continuously expanded, and the number of silage has increased year by year. This is particularly the case of the cultivation and utilization of silage maize, and many countries with relatively advanced animal husbandry have developed considerably.
The use of silage has been widely promoted in China's swine industry and cattle breeding industry. Production practices have proved that feed silage is an effective measure to rationally use green fodder, and it can adjust the supply of green fodder to make up for the lack of supplements.
(A) The advantages and basic principles of silage
The advantages of silage
1) Maintain the nutrient characteristics of feedstuffs: The green and juicy succulent feeds are preserved under sealed anaerobic conditions with little mechanical loss. During storage, the oxidative decomposition is weak and nutrient losses are small, generally not exceeding 10%. The amount of carotene contained per kilogram of dry silage of sweetpotato vines was 94.7 milligrams, while in natural dried vines, only 2.5 milligrams were contained per kilogram of dry matter.
2) high digestibility, good palatability: green and juicy feed, after fermentation of microorganisms, produce a large number of aromatic compounds, with acid and flavor, soft and juicy, good palatability, livestock like to eat. Such as potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, sunflower stems and leaves fall to the roots, Artemisia, genus of plants, etc., made of hay, has a special odor, or rough texture, livestock are generally reluctant to eat, but after silage fermentation, can become livestock eating High quality green and juicy feed. Silage also has a good effect on improving the digestibility of other feeds in livestock diets. With silage and hay made from the same type of grass, the digestibility of silage has increased.
3) Long-term preservation of feed: Good silage, properly managed, can be stored for many years, the oldest can reach 20-30 years. Therefore, the modulation of silage can ensure that livestock can eat excellent juicy material throughout the year. The north has a long winter and spring season, the climate is cold, and the production of green feed is limited. Silage can be used as a green and juicy feed to feed all kinds of livestock all year round. It is also good for breeding animals and young animals, which can increase the breeding rate and breeding power of breeding animals and promote the growth and development of young animals.
4) Large internal storage per unit volume: the storage space of silage is smaller than hay, the weight of 1 cubic meter of silage is 450-700 kilograms, including 150 kilograms of dry matter, while the weight of 1 cubic meter of hay is only 70 kilograms. 60 kg of substance. The volume of 1 ton of silage is 1.25 cubic meters while the volume of 1 ton of hay is 13.3-13.5 cubic meters. During storage, silages are not affected by wind, rain, or sunlight, and fire accidents do not occur. After the green feed is fermented by silage, the germs, eggs and weed seeds contained in the green feed can lose their vitality and reduce the damage to the farmland.
5) The modulation process is less affected by the time of day: in the rainy season or when the weather is not good, the drying of hay is difficult, and the impact on the silage is less. As long as the requirements for silage are strictly controlled, excellent silage can still be made.
Silage principle Silage fermentation is a complex microbial activity and biochemical change process. During the silage process, there are many types of microorganisms that participate in activities and roles, mainly lactic acid bacteria. The success or failure of silage is mainly determined by the degree of lactic acid fermentation. The reason why silage can be stored for a long time is not bad, but it is actually due to the presence of lactic acid.
1) The role of microorganisms: Freshly cut green feed, with a variety of bacteria, mold, yeast and other microorganisms, of which the most spoilage bacteria, lactic acid bacteria are rare. The amount of spoilage bacteria in fresh green feed is far greater than the number of lactic acid bacteria. If the green feed is not silted in time, 2-3 days after being piled in the field, there will be more spoilage bacteria, which can often reach billions or more in 1 gram of green feed. Therefore, in order to promote the normal breeding activities of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the silage process, it is necessary to understand the activity patterns of various organisms and the requirements for environmental conditions so that measures can be taken to suppress various microbial activities that are unfavorable to silage and eliminate all conditions that prevent the formation of lactic acid. Create the most suitable environment for lactic acid bacteria activity.
(1) Lactic Acid Bacteria: There are many kinds of lactic acid bacteria, of which S. lactis and Lactobacillus deger are the main ones that are beneficial to silage. They are all homogenously fermented lactic acid bacteria that produce only lactic acid after fermentation. In addition, there are many heterotrophic lactic acid bacteria that produce large amounts of ethanol, acetic acid, glycerol, and carbon dioxide in addition to lactic acid. According to the different temperature requirements of lactic acid bacteria, it can be divided into two types: good lactic acid bacteria and cold lactic acid bacteria. Good heat lactic acid bacteria silage fermentation, the temperature can reach 52-54 °C, more than this temperature, it means there are other microorganisms involved in fermentation. The silage raw material has too low water content, the pressure is not tight, and the oxidation is strong. When aerobic microorganisms participate in fermentation activities in large quantities, the temperature can reach 55-60°C and the highest can reach 70°C. High-temperature silage nutrient loss, should be avoided. Good cold lactic acid bacteria, the fastest breeding at 25-35 °C temperature conditions, the main role of normal silage. Streptococcus lactis is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that grows and reproduces under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, and has low acid resistance. When the amount of acid in silage reaches 0.5%-0.8%, the activity stops. Lactic acid bacteria in the anaerobic conditions, the growth and reproduction of the most prosperous, strong acid and acid formation up to 3%. All kinds of lactic acid bacteria, with appropriate amounts of water, carbohydrates, and anoxic conditions, grow and multiply quickly, allowing monosaccharides and disaccharides to decompose to produce large amounts of lactic acid.
Five carbon sugars are fermented by lactic acid, and at the same time when lactic acid is formed, a large amount of acetic acid and other acids such as propionic acid, succinic acid and the like are also produced.
The formation of a large amount of lactic acid, on the one hand, creates favorable conditions for the growth and propagation of lactic acid bacteria, and on the other hand, it promotes the death of other microorganisms such as spoilage bacteria and casein bacteria that cannot reproduce in an acidic environment. As a result of the accumulation of lactic acid, the acidity is increased, and the lactic acid bacteria itself is also inhibited and stops its activity. In good silage, lactic acid content generally accounts for 1%-2% of the weight of silage. When the pH falls below 4.2, only a small amount of lactic acid bacteria are present.
(2) Butyric acid bacteria (butyric acid bacteria): It is a type of anaerobic, acid-resistant bacteria. There are mainly Clostridium butyricum, Clostridium solani, Clostridium bronchiseptica, and others. As a result of the acid bacteria movement, glucose and lactic acid are decomposed to produce butyric acid (butyric acid), and hydrogen and carbon dioxide are produced at the same time.
Butyric acid is a volatile organic acid with a bad smell. If the content of butyric acid in silage reaches several ten thousandths, it will affect the quality of silage. Silage materials are young, carbohydrate content is insufficient, water content is too high, pressure is too tight, etc., are conducive to the activity and mass reproduction of caseinobacteria.
(3) Spoilage bacteria: Any bacteria that can strongly degrade proteins are collectively referred to as spoilage bacteria. Many of these bacteria are hyperthermia, but also have mesophilic or hypothermia. Aerobic, such as Bacillus subtilis, potato bacilli; anaerobic, such as Clostridium septicum; facultative anaerobic, such as Proteus. They can degrade proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. to produce ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen, which can cause deterioration of silage and loss of nutrients. Under normal silage conditions, the activity of spoilage bacteria is rapidly inhibited when lactic acid is gradually formed, pH is lowered, and oxygen is depleted.
(4) acetic acid bacteria: aerobic bacteria. In the early stage of silage, it can multiply in the presence of air. Yeast or lactic acid fermentation produces ethanol, which is then fermented with acetic acid to produce acetic acid and water.
(5) mold, actinomycetes, yeast: all are aerobic microorganisms. In the case where the silage material is not short, the pressure is not tight, the seal is not strict, and there are more oxygen in the silo, the above microorganisms multiply in large quantities. The organic matter in the silage is decomposed to produce sticky and slippery substances, and the protein is destroyed to produce ammonia, which causes moldy, heat, and deterioration of the silage, resulting in loss of nutrients.
2) Succession of Microorganisms: The aforementioned types of microorganisms undergo succession changes due to environmental factors, nutrient conditions, and silage technology during silage fermentation. After the fresh green forage silage, the plant cells did not die, and the respiration continued to cause the oxidative decomposition of organic matter to produce CO2, H2O and heat. At the same time, the plant cells are discharged by the mechanical squeezing and they are rich in soluble carbohydrates and other nutrients. This provides good living conditions for microbial activity and enables various microorganisms to quickly start activities. In the first few days, aerobic microorganisms, such as spoilage bacteria, molds, etc., bred most strongly, destroying proteins in silage, forming large amounts of helium, gases, and small amounts of acetic acid. With the reduction of oxygen, aerobic microbial activity will soon weaken or stop, and the activity of anaerobic lactic acid bacteria will dominate. The rapid propagation of lactic acid bacteria forms large amounts of lactic acid. Increased acidity, pH drop, so that the activities of spoilage bacteria, acid bacteria, etc. are inhibited or stopped, and even extinct. When silage is fermented for 5-7 days, the total number of microorganisms reaches the highest peak, and its composition is dominated by lactic acid bacteria. In the process of lactic acid fermentation, the type of lactic acid bacteria also evolved. At the beginning of the silage, E. coli activity took the lead, followed by a large number of Streptococcus lactis breeding, and finally the main activity of lactic acid bacteria. Silage fermentation generally takes 17-21 days to complete. At this time, in addition to a small amount of lactic acid bacteria in the silage, there are still a small number of acid-resistant yeasts and spore-forming bacteria.
For example, after the fermentation of clover regenerating grass silage, the succession of various microorganisms in the process of silage fermentation can be clearly seen from the changes in the microbial content.
Silage for 3 days, the proliferation of various microorganisms are very fast, especially spoilage bacteria, reached 664 million per gram of feed; lactic acid bacteria also multiply, increasing to 223 million per gram of feed. Silage for 7 days, lactic acid bacteria multiply, increased to 372 million, lactic acid content of 0.25%, and spoilage bacteria are suppressed, the number reduced to 210 million. At 3 months of silage, the lactic acid content increased to 0.65% and spoilage bacteria and tyroic acid bacteria were nearly extinct.
Silage for half a day, the number of lactic acid bacteria reached the highest peak, 1.6 billion per gram of feed; silage four days, dropped to 800 million, pH of 4.5, while other microorganisms have all ceased breeding and extinct. It can be seen that the corn silage fermentation process faster than the legume grass, silage quality is also better.
3) Biochemical changes: During silage fermentation, a series of biochemical changes have occurred in silage due to the action of various microorganisms and enzymes of the plant itself. In normal silage, soluble carbohydrates in green feed are all converted to lactic acid, acetic acid, and alcohols, mainly lactic acid. The process of converting carbohydrates into lactic acid is a non-oxidative decomposition process that does not generate carbon dioxide, so there is little energy loss. The content of lactic acid is closely related to the pH and the length of silage.
Acetic acid in silage is produced by alcohol through the action of microorganisms, which forms earlier than lactic acid. When the acidity is high, the acetic acid is in the free state, and when the acidity is low, the acetic acid is combined with the salt to form the acetate. When the silage temperature reaches 30-40°C and the pH is above 4.2, it is suitable for the propagation of caseobacteria. At low temperatures, no butyric acid is formed.
Changes in protein in silage are closely related to the level of pH. When the pH is less than 4.2, part of the protein is decomposed into amino acids due to the action of the plant cell enzymes, and is relatively stable without causing loss; when the pH is greater than 4.2, the amino acids are further decomposed into ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and amine due to the activity of spoilage bacteria. As a result, the protein is lost.
Changes in the color of silage, usually within 3-7 days after storage, generally change from green to yellow-green. The color of the silo wall and the surface of the silage change slowly, often dark brown, poor quality. When the silage temperature is too high, silage is black. During the silage process, nutrient losses due to biochemical changes are unavoidable, and losses generally account for about 8% of the dry matter of the feedstock. About 8% of the surface spoilage or loss of liquid juice, this loss can be avoided. The use of additives for the production of special silage also accounts for about 8% of losses, this loss can be avoided. According to the experiment, forage grass silage is made by ordinary silage method, the loss of crude protein is 17.6%, the loss of digestible protein is 5.7%; the loss of sun-burning raw material carotene is up to 80%, the loss of urea-added silage and carotene is 50 %. The loss of vitamin B1 and niacin is small, and the loss of vitamin B2 is much. Regardless of the good silage conditions, the loss of vitamin C amounts to 60% to 65%. The content of inorganic salts is not changed very much. With the addition of acid silage, the loss of calcium can reach 10%-20%.
Silage raw materials should have the conditions
1. The amount of sugar is appropriate to ensure the large number of lactic acid bacteria, to form a sufficient amount of lactic acid, silage raw materials must contain the minimum required sugar content, select the "positive silage poor" raw materials. The so-called "poor" is the difference between the actual sugar content in the feed and the minimum sugar content in the feed silage. It should be a positive number. This means that the actual sugar content is greater than the minimum requirement. The minimum required sugar content is calculated based on the feed's buffer level. Calculated as follows.
Minimum amount of sugar required for feed% = feed buffer %1.7
Feed buffering, which is the neutralization of alkaline elements in 100 grams of completely dry feed, and the pH required to reduce the pH to 4.2 grams of lactose. Since only 60% of the glucose consumed by the silage fermentation turns to lactic acid, a coefficient of 100/60=1.7 is obtained, ie, 1 g of lactic acid requires 1.7 g of glucose. For example, corn needs 2.91 grams of lactic acid per 10 grams of dry matter to overcome the buffering effect of alkaline elements and proteins, and reduce its pH to 4.2. Therefore, the buffer level of corn is 2.91, and the minimum required sugar content is 2.91% 1.7. =4.95%. The actual sugar content of corn is 26.79%, and the difference in silage is +21.84% (26.79%-4.95%). The buffering degree of alfalfa is 5.58%, the minimum required sugar content is 5.58% 1.7=9.5%, and the actual sugar content in alfalfa is only 3.72%, so the difference of silage sugar is -5.78% (3.72%-9.5%). When legumes such as leguminous herbage are used for silage, lactic acid bacteria do not normally multiply, lactic acid yield is small, and the pH does not reach 4.2 or below, which can cause large amounts of spoilage bacteria, tyroic acid bacteria, etc., resulting in odor and quality of silage. Therefore, to prepare a good silage, silage materials must contain an appropriate amount of sugar, the general content should be at least 1% to 1.5% of fresh weight.
According to the difference in the feed silage, silage materials can be divided into 3 categories.
1) Raw materials that are easy to sile: such as corn, sorghum, sweet potato vines, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, turnip, cabbage and grass. This type of feed contains adequate or more soluble carbohydrates and has a greater difference in true goose sugar.
2) Raw materials that are difficult to silage: such as alfalfa, clover, alfalfa and soybeans, peas, milk vetch, potato stems and leaves. This type of feed contains less carbohydrates and is all poor in negative silage, and should be mixed with the first type.
3) Raw materials that cannot be silaged alone: ​​pumpkin vines, watermelon vines, etc. The sugar content of these plants is extremely low, and silage alone is not easy to succeed. Only silage with other silage-friendly materials or adding carbohydrate-rich raw materials or silage with acid can succeed.
2. Moderate moisture content The proper amount of water contained in the silage material is an important condition for ensuring the normal activity of lactic acid bacteria. If the moisture content is too high or too low, it will affect the silage fermentation process and the quality of silage. If the water content is too low, the silage will be difficult to compact, and there will be more air in the pits. The aerobic bacteria will multiply, causing the silage to become moldy and rot; excess water, easy compaction and agglomeration will facilitate the activity of the caseobacteria, and at the same time , The plant cell juice is squeezed and lost, causing loss of nutrients.
When the silage raw material contained 84.5% of water, the dry matter lost in the row of juice accounted for 6.7% of the silage dry matter, and 70% of the water content was silage, no juice was discharged, and dry matter was not lost. When there is too much water in the silage material, the sugar and jelly in the cell juice are too thin to meet the concentration required for the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, which in turn favors the propagation of the tyroic acid bacteria and makes the silage rancid and the quality deteriorated. For lactic acid bacteria breeding activities, the optimum moisture content is 65%-75%, and the moisture content of legume grass is 60%-70%. The appropriate water content of various silage materials differs due to different textures. Crude raw materials, water content can be as high as 78%-82%; harvest early, young, juicy and soft raw materials, water content should be lower, with 60% is appropriate.
Silage materials with high or low water content should be treated or adjusted during silage. For the feed with too much moisture, the silage should be lightly dried before the silage, so that the water content can be achieved after the requirements of silage, such as withering can not reach the appropriate water content, dry silage should be added to the mixed silage. The method for calculating the amount of dry material added can be applied to the following formula: D=(AB)/(BC)100
In the formula, A is the moisture content of silage raw materials;
B is the ideal water content for mixing;
C is the moisture content of the dry material to be added;
D is the weight of dry material that should be added for every 100 kilograms of silage material.
For example, when water hyacinth and straw powder or untied silage are mixed in silage, water hyacinth will contain 85% water after 1 day of drying, straw powder will contain 10% water, and the ideal moisture content of mixed silage is 75%. Then every 100 kg of water hyacinth silage after drying, Straw powder needs to be added:
That is silage of this kind of watering gourd 100 kg, need to add 15 kg of straw powder.
3. The length is suitable for the silage raw material is cut short the purpose is, in order to facilitate the compaction, easy access, livestock easy to eat. In addition, after the raw material is chopped or crushed, silage can easily exudate the plant cells and moisten the surface of feed, which is beneficial to the growth and propagation of lactic acid bacteria. The degree of shortening should be determined by the nature of raw materials and livestock and poultry needs. For cattle and sheep, fine stem plants such as grasses, leguminous pastures, grassy grasses, sweet potato vines, and young corn seedlings are cut into 3-5 cm long. For rough stem plants or coarse stem stem plants such as corn stalks, sunflower stems, etc., cut into 2-3 cm is more appropriate. Leafy vegetables and young plants can also be cut short silage. For pigs and poultry, the shorter the better the silage materials should be, the better the effect is, such as finely ground or beating silage.
High-moisture raw materials are cut into short silages, which have low pH, high lactic acid content, low volatile fatty acid content, and high dry matter digestibility. Raw materials containing 60% -70% silage, cut short or not the difference is not obvious, or no difference. After the raw material is chopped and silaged, it is easily packed and compacted to discharge the air in the pit. The filling is not tight, the air in the cellar is excessive, the oxidation is strong, the temperature is increased (up to 60° C.), the sugar in the silage is decomposed, the vitamin is destroyed, the digestibility of the protein is reduced, and the loss of the chicken is caused. The young plants are too finely cut, the water content is too high, and the filling is too tight in real time, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of the caseobacteria and causes the rot and odor of the silage to agglomerate and deteriorate the quality. The silage with proper compaction and storage degree generally has a fermentation temperature of about 30°C and a maximum of 38°C.
Silage equipment
1. Requirements for the construction of silage equipment There are certain facilities for silage preparation, such as silo, silage, silo towers, and plastic bags. All these equipment should meet its basic requirements to ensure good silage effects.
First, you should choose the address of the silage. Should choose a hard soil, high dry terrain, low groundwater level, close to the barn, away from water sources and pits.
Second, the silage equipment should be firm and firm, airtight and watertight.
Third, the interior of silage buildings should be smooth and flat. If it is a square or a rectangle, the four corners should be dug into a semicircle so that the silage can sink evenly without leaving gaps. The cellar wall should have a certain degree of inclination, and be large and small, to prevent collapse, easy to compact, the bottom must be higher than the groundwater level of 0.5 meters to prevent groundwater seepage into the silage. Long silo cellar bottom should have a certain slope.
2. Types of silage buildings
1) Silage pit: It is generally divided into underground and semi-underground styles. The underground style has long and round points.
At present, underground cellars are widely used. However, it is difficult to dig pits where the groundwater level is high, and it is best to use a semi-underground type. The silo is preferably round or rectangular. Conditional can be built into a permanent cellar. The cellar is made of masonry, triaxial or cement plaster. This cellar is strong and durable, has a smooth inner wall, is airtight, and does not leak water. Silage is easy to be successful and nutrient losses are less. The silo volume is generally 2 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep. The ratio of diameter to pit depth is 1:1.5-2. The width and depth of rectangular pit is 1:1.5-2. Length The size should be determined based on the number of livestock and feed.
2) Silage pods: Usually on the side of a hill, the bottom and the four walls can also be made of concrete with a smooth surface to avoid soil contamination, and the bottom should be inclined to one end for drainage. When there is a large amount of silage, silage silage can be used. Silage pods are generally 3-7 meters deep, 4.5-6 meters wide and up to 30 meters in length. Shallow trench silages can also be used in flatter areas.
3) Silage tower: It is a permanent tower building made of masonry and cement. The silage tower has a strong structure, durability, high quality silage, low nutrient loss, and is suitable for use in places with high groundwater levels. Silo towers should be built near the barn. The tower is round and the top is covered to prevent rain from splashing. On the side of the tower, a window of 0.6m and a height of 0.6m will be opened every 2m. When it is installed, it will be closed. When it is empty, it will open. The silage tower is 12-14 meters high and 3.5-6 meters in diameter, and the raw material is loaded from the top. In recent years, sealed silage towers have been used in foreign countries. The tower body is made of metal-bonded glue and completely sealed. The top is equipped with a breathing bag to facilitate the expansion and contraction of the internal gas. The material is taken from the bottom by mechanical means. In this way, the quality of silage is good and the loss of nutrients is minimal, but the cost is high and it can only rely on mechanical filling.
4) Silage plastic bags: In recent years, silages have also been used in plastic bags at home and abroad. The plastic film is required to be thick and made into a cylindrical shape, storing 30-40 kg per bag. After storage, the mouth is fastened and can be moved, layered in the shed, or on the barn scaffold. When stacked, at a certain height, a piece of 30-40 cm thick insulation board is placed. The uppermost layer is covered and heavy objects are used to suppress it. This method is easy to move, can be silage on the spot, easy access, less loss, but the capacity is small, more labor.
Silage equipment, according to local conditions, can be adapted to local conditions, local materials, selection of various appliances and venues. Such as masonry or cement masonry pits, or existing ditches for silage.
3. Calculation method of unit volume weight The size of a building's volume is mainly determined based on the number of livestock heads, requirements, and raw materials, and the volume and number of the silo are determined based on the manpower of the machine and the number of daily intakes. Generally silage or silage can hold 500-600 kilograms of silage per cubic meter, silage towers can store 650-750 kilograms. However, the silo tower has a large depth, and the unit weights of the upper and lower layers are quite different. Generally, they are heavier and heavier.
Different kinds of silage materials, there is a big difference in the weight of silage per cubic meter.
Silage production steps and methods Feed silage, although due to different equipment, raw material characteristics and types of additives, methods are also somewhat different, but the production steps and methods are basically the same.
1. Harvesting quality silage materials is the material basis for the preparation of good silage. The proper harvesting can not only obtain the maximum nutrient yield per unit area, but also have appropriate water and soluble carbohydrate content, which is favorable to lactic acid fermentation and can be easily modulated into high quality silage. The general harvest rather early not to be late, random storage.
2. Cut short silage After harvesting, the silage should be transported to the storage site and cut into silage. A small amount of raw material can be used for short, large-scale silage, which requires cutting with a silage chopper. The large silage chopper can cut 5-6 tons per hour and can cut 8-12 tons per hour; the small grass cutter can cut 250-800 kilograms per hour. At present, foreign and some state-owned farms in China have used silage corn cutting and harvesting machines to cut the cut corn directly into the silage tower for better efficacy.
3. Fill short chopped green feed and fill it immediately. Before filling, the bottom of the pit may be filled with a layer of 10-15 cm thick chopped straw or soft grass so as to absorb the silage juice. The plastic film can be laid around in the pit and the seal is strengthened to prevent air leakage and water leakage. In addition, the moisture content should be adjusted according to the moisture content of the silage. Special silage should be supplemented with additives. When loading green feed, it should be loaded layer by layer. Each load should be 15-20 cm. It should be compacted and then continue filling. When high-moisture raw materials are mixed with dry and dry feed or quasi-storage raw materials are mixed silage with carbohydrate-rich raw materials (such as bran, cereal, etc.), dry roughage or bran, bran, etc. should also be filled with green feed. , or layered mixed silage. When loading, special attention should be paid to compaction, especially the four corners and the wall. With such a solid edge, it has been fully loaded and exceeds 0.7-1 meters. When long cellar, silage or ground silage can be used for roller compaction, small cellar can also use animal strength practical. The degree of compaction of silage is one of the keys to the success or failure of silage. Silage compactness is appropriate. The feed sinks after the completion of fermentation is no more than 10% of the depth.
4. Seal tightly sealed pits to prevent leakage and air permeability is an important part of the modulation of silage. The silage container is not well sealed and enters air or moisture, which favors propagation of spoilage bacteria, molds, etc., and deteriorates the quality of silage.
When the silage material is stored in more than 60 cm above the pit, it can be capped. When capping, first cover a layer of chopped straw or soft grass (thickness 20-30 cm) or cover plastic film, then cover it with soil (thickness 30-50 cm), and make a head shape to facilitate drainage.
5. In order to prevent rainwater from seeping into the pit after the silo has been sealed, trenches should be drained about 1m away from the pit. Should be frequently checked later, when there is a crack in the pit, it should be timely compacted to prevent leakage of air and rain.
The silage materials of special silages vary in their degree of silage due to different plant species, their growth stages and chemical composition. The unreliable plants adopt the common silage method, which is generally not easy to make excellent silage, must be properly treated, or add certain additives, the silage is easy to succeed, and the silage quality can be guaranteed. This silage method is called special silage method.
1. The role of special silage
1) Promote lactic acid fermentation: If various soluble carbohydrates are added, lactic acid bacteria are inoculated, enzyme preparations are added, etc., a large amount of lactic acid can be rapidly produced, and the pH can quickly reach 3.8-4.2.
2) Inhibition of bad fermentation: If various kinds of acids and bacteriostatic agents are added, withering or semi-dry silage can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria and caseinous bacteria.
3) Improve the nutritional value of silage: If you add urea, amides, etc., you can increase the protein content.
2. Special silage method
1) Adding acid silage: difficult to store raw materials, add a certain amount of inorganic acid or buffer, can quickly reduce the pH to 3.6-3.5, the activity of spoilage bacteria and mold is inhibited, promote the uniform sinking of silage, fermentation is normal, To achieve long-term preservation.
Commonly used abroad:
(1) AIV Additive (I): Prepared from 30% hydrochloric acid 92 parts and 40% sulfuric acid 8 parts. When it is used, it is diluted with 400 parts of water per 100 parts of solution. When silage, 50-60 kg of AIV diluent is added per 1000 kg of raw material.
(2) AIV additive (II): made by mixing 8%-10% hydrochloric acid 70 parts and 8%-10% sulfuric acid 30 parts. When silage, this mixture is added at 5%-7% of the weight of the raw material.
(3) Formic Acid: The addition of formic acid is an acid-enhancing silage method that has been popularized in recent years abroad. Norway has added formic acid to nearly 70% of its silage; the United Kingdom has also adopted it extensively since 1968, with the amount of 2.8 kg of formic acid per ton of silage plus 85% of formic acid; and the United States uses 4.53 kg of 90% formic acid per ton of green feed. The addition of formic acid is more effective than the addition of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid mixture. Formic acid can be decomposed into carbon dioxide and methane that are non-toxic to livestock, and formic acid itself can also be absorbed and utilized in the process of silage and rumen digestion. The average daily weight gain of calves fed with formic acid added formic acid was 0.757-0.817 kg, while the average daily weight gain of ordinary silage fed was only 0.429-0.541 kg.
The silage made by adding acid has bright green color, aroma, high quality, and the protein decomposition loss is only 0.3%-0.5%, but it is 1%-2% in general silage. As a result of adding silage with triterpenes and red clover, the crude fiber was reduced by 5.2%-6.4%, and the reduced sugar, which was reduced by the hydrolysis of the crude fiber, could be absorbed and utilized by the animals. However, the crude silage in general is only reduced by 1.1%-1.3%. Carotene, vitamin C and inorganic salts such as calcium, phosphorus, etc., add acid silage less than the loss of normal silage.
2) Addition of formaldehyde silage: Formaldehyde can inhibit the activity of various microorganisms during silage. Russia, the United States and other countries began to use it widely in the 1960s, adding 5% formaldehyde solution silage according to 0.1% to 0.66% of the weight of green feed, and there was no activity of spoilage bacteria during the fermentation process. In general silage, every gram of silage The spoilage bacteria amounted to more than 3 billion. The loss of dry matter added to the silage with formaldehyde was 5.3% to 7%, while the silage was generally 10% to 11.4%. The silage digestibility was increased by 20% compared to the silage.
3) Inoculation of Lactobacillus Silage: A starter made from pure culture of lactic acid bacteria or a mixed starter silage made from lactic acid bacteria and yeast culture can promote the propagation of lactic acid bacteria in silage, inhibit the action of other harmful microorganisms, and improve the quality of silage. In general, 0.5 liters of lactic acid bacteria culture or 450 grams of lactic acid bacteria is added per 1000 kilograms of green feed, and about 100,000 lactobacillus are added per gram of silage material.
4) High protein silage: There are two methods for its preparation. The first is that the raw materials contain high protein, silage is added by adding various preparations to minimize protein loss, and the silage still maintains high protein content. When leguminous grasses, such as alfalfa, forage silage before flowering, they can be prepared by adding 85%-90% formic acid 2.8-3.5kg, or 3.5-4.5kg sodium bisulfite, or grind malt 2% for every 1000kg. High protein silage. The second is the addition of amides to the silage raw materials. Through the use of silage microorganisms, the bacterial proteins are formed to increase the protein content in the silage. The urea or ammonium sulfate mixture is added to the silage raw material at 0.3%-0.5%. After silage, 8-11 grams of digestible protein can be added per kilogram of silage. Corn silage plus 0.2%-0.3% sodium sulfate can increase sulphur amino acids by a factor of 2.
5) Adding Enzyme Preparation Silage: The enzyme preparation is concentrated from shallow cultures such as Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae and contains amylase, dextrinase, cellulase, and hemicellulose-enzyme. Enzyme preparations can hydrolyze some of the polysaccharides in feed to monosaccharides, which is beneficial to lactic acid fermentation. Adding the enzymatic silage in an amount of 0.01% to 0.25% of the weight of the silage raw material can not only maintain the characteristics of green feed, but also reduce the loss of nutrients and increase the nutritional value of the silage. The addition of 0.25% Aspergillus niger enzyme silage to leguminous pasture and red clover reduces cellulose by 10.0% to 14.4%, hemicellulose by 22.8% to 44.0%, and pectin by 29.1% to 36.4, compared to ordinary silage. %. If the enzyme dosage is increased to 0.5%, the sugar content can be as high as 2.48%, and the protein is increased by 26.68%-29.20%. Water hyacinth, water lettuce, and trichoderma silage silage can also provide good silage effects. The addition of Trichoderma scleroflex silage to 2% to 5% of the weight of the raw material in a silage mixture of 90% aquatic feed and 10% straw powder can reduce crude fiber by 8.40% and crude protein by 28.6%. The quality of silage has been improved. The color is yellow-green, slightly acidic, and has no bad smell.
6) Low moisture silage: Low moisture silage, also known as semi-dry silage, combines the characteristics of both hay and silage. There is less loss of nutrients. In the past decade or so, countries have promoted their use. The United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, and other countries have long feeding periods in the winter and are used more widely. The Beijing Changyang Farm and other units in China have been successfully tested and used in production. Low-moisture silage has low water content, dry matter content is 1 times more than that of common silage, and has more nutrients. Early development of legumes and low-moisture grasses for grasses contain 45-55 grams of digestible protein and 40-50 milligrams of carotene per kilogram. The taste is not sour or slightly acidic, there is a fruit aroma, there is no casein, and the palatability is good. pH 4.8-5.2, organic acid content of about 5.54%. Good low-moisture silage is in a wet state with a dark green color and structural integrity.
The basic principle of low-humidity silage production is that raw materials contain less than 45% to 50% water, causing physiological drying of microorganisms. Such air-dried plants cause physiological deterioration of spoilage bacteria, caseobacteria, and lactic acid bacteria, which limits their growth and reproduction. Therefore, during silage, microbial fermentation is weak, proteins are not decomposed, and organic acids form in small quantities. Although moulds, etc., can still grow in large numbers in air-dried plants, their activities quickly stop in the condition of shortening tight silage.
According to the basic principles and characteristics of low-humidity silage, silage materials should be quickly air-dried during the production, requiring that the moisture content of legume grasses reach 50% within 24 to 30 hours after castration, and the moisture content of grasses for pastures should reach 45%. The raw materials must be cut short, the filling must be tight, and the cellar should be tightly sealed to prevent air leakage and water leakage.
Due to poor climatic conditions, the water content of green feed cannot be quickly air-dried to 40%-50% in a short period of time, and the withering silage (also known as semi-fresh grass silage) can be carried out when the water content of green feed is withered to 60%-70%. , Or air dry or dried to 40% -50% of the semi-dry green feed and freshly chopped green feed mixed silage.
After the green feed has dried, the water content can be measured by the following two methods:
(1) Calculated according to the formula: R=(100-W/100-X)100
In the formula, R is the weight in kilograms per 100 kilograms of silage material dried to the required moisture content;

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