Processing technology of caviar and fish seed

The ovaries of various spawning marine fish, shellfish and freshwater fish can be used as food, and in many parts of the world, fish eggs are very nutritious foods with high protein content, less raw material contamination, and good taste. Therefore, fish eggs are very popular in the world market.
First, the term "caviar dressing" in caviar processing refers to fish eggs produced in a special way. Dark black caviar was used as a delicacy in the royal family in foreign countries. Now it is a beauty and health recipe for fashionistas and friends who love food and lose weight. Caviar contains the trace elements, mineral salts, proteins, amino acids and recombinant essential fatty acids required for the skin. Not only can effectively nourish nutritious skin, but also make the skin delicate and smooth. Therefore, there is a broad market prospect for its own nutritional value.
Caviar can be made from a variety of fish eggs, and specific products are generally identified. These include the name of the fish from which the fish eggs were obtained, and in some cases the body of water where the fish was caught. This situation is most often seen in high quality and expensive products.
The processing technology is: raw materials → oocyte retrieval → ovarian classification → seed-seeding → rafting → selection → marinating → draining → drying → packing → storage of finished products
1. The raw material requirements are best to use fresh fish roe. Frozen fish roe can also be used, but thawing is needed, the process is relatively tedious and for the protection of fish roe, there are requirements for the thawing process.
2. Take eggs for attention to hygiene and minimize pollution. Take eggs carefully. Fresh fish roe is soft and indeterminate, and it is easily broken. If it is rinsed in brine, the fish seed will shrink due to rapid dehydration, and the economic value of the finished product will be affected. Therefore, the fresh eggs are usually shaped.
Styling treatment generally has two methods: in vivo setting and in vitro setting. In vivo shaping refers to the method of treating fresh fish caught with ice and 10 to 12 Baume of salt water or 10% salt, which can both preserve freshness and shorten setting time, and the effect is also good. In vitro shaping refers to the method of shaping the fish seeds after they are taken out from the fish body. It is suitable for removing mature fish seeds from fresh fish, and adding the seed edge into 8 Baume degrees salt water, soaking for 4 hours, etc. After the shape is basically fixed Rinse again.
When thawing frozen fish roe, in order to maintain the freshness of the raw materials and ensure the quality of the products, the salt water thawing method is generally used. This will shorten the production cycle.
3. Ovarian grading The ovary is graded according to the type and quality. During the grading process, the state of complete ovary (the size, shape, opacity or translucency of eggs, fastness of attachment, etc.) and freshness (color, fastness, flavor, etc.) are the main factors. Better-quality ovaries are used to produce caviar, while poorer ovaries are either partially or totally salted.
4. The process of seed extraction from the ovary to obtain the eggs is called screening. This process is usually performed manually. For some species it can also be automated. Manual screening is to squeeze the ovary through a rotating stainless steel wire mesh. Or other mesh material, so that the fish eggs through the mesh, and the connected tissue is left on top. The automated system uses mechanical force or an enzyme system to separate the fish eggs and uses salt to preserve the eggs and obtain the desired shape and elasticity.
5. Pickled salting process is very important and responsive. Salting time may take from 2 to 20 minutes depending on the species, size, quality, and final salt concentration of the eggs.
6. Drain the salt and put it on a mat to dry it or leave it in a centrifuge and place it in metal, plastic or other containers.
Changes in the basic processing procedures depend on the type of fish and the final processed product, such as granular caviar, flavored caviar sauce, smoked caviar, and the like. If preservatives or other additives such as pigments are added, they must be added after draining. The packaged product is also sterilized. In order to maintain good quality, vacuum packaging must be used and the product must be frozen or refrigerated.
2. Processing of fish roe Before processing caviar, fish eggs can be processed into fish roe products. The process is basically the same as the processing of caviar, except that the fish eggs are not processed and the roe is not removed directly after processing. Treatment (post-treatment is to produce different products such as salted, smoked products, etc.). Most of the world's fish seed products are stored dry or salted.
Generally smoked products are fermented. The fish eggs left after salting and drying are smoked, and the separated fish seeds are put in a bucket, sealed and stored in a cool environment (13 to 15°C), preserved for one month, and started during this period of time. Fermentation. Fermentation should be stopped by adding excess salt with a 1:7 ratio of salt to fish.
Dried products means that the eggs are washed, drained, and then rolled in fine salt or soaked in salt water. After a certain period of time, they are dried and prevented from absorbing moisture. When the color becomes reddish and hardens, the drying process ends. The resulting product can be immersed in beeswax, wrapped in waxed paper or vacuum-packed and refrigerated.

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